
Should I get rid of my grandmother's cabinet?

by  |  earlier

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It's hideous. Seriously. I inherited it and think it's at least 100 years old. My NYC apartment is small, and the cabinet is big, and I just don't want it. Nobody else in the family does, either, but they also vowed to disown me if I get rid of it. Should I just do it anyway??




  1. Explain the situation to your family members and ask who is willing to save grandma's cabinet?  Tell them it has to go, and you want it to go where it's loved and appreciated; otherwise strangers will get it.  See if any of them would store it for you indefinitely until you have a bigger place.  Tell them you'll disown them if they don't take it!

    If they none of them steps up to the plate, get rid of it.  Shame on your family for not helping you out.

  2. If it is worth a lot of money just sell it,  if you don't want it and no one else does so be it..

  3. Put it in storeig. then you never have to look. and no one in your family will have no reason becuase you did not sell it.

  4. I think we have a bigger issue than the cabinet if your family is vowing to disown you over a wooden box...

    Who was it left to in the will? If it's not you, I'd give it back to them and tell them it's their responsibility =]

    You could also consider storage. Also, you might want to get a price estimate if it's still in good condition. It might be worth a lot of money if it's that old.

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