
Should I get the Gardasil vaccine?

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I have a doctor appt. on august 4th and my mom wants me to get the gardasil vaccine. I told her i don't want to get it, and if i have to get it, i want to wait until i'm a lot older.

I've heard of all the very scary side effects of the vaccine and i don't even want to RISK it. right now i'm 14 and won't even be sexually active for a long time.

I think i should have a say in what vaccine's go in my body, especially this serious one.

what do you guys think?




  1. I'd say no, unless you have a history of cervical cancer in your family. I do, and that's why my mom wanted me to get it. I didn't want to though because it'll wear off by the time you're 20-something. I didn't have any side effects either.

  2. there's nothing wrong with the vaccine except for that it burns when you get it. it protects you from cancer. so suck it up and get the shot

  3. Ask your mom to do some research.  Once she does, she'll realize it isn't safe.  I think it's awesome that you've done the research and taken control of your own health.

  4. you probably shouldn't get it!

    the side effects range from blood clots to death!

    it is too soon and too experimental! and what about long term effects? nobody knows what they are!

    and HPV is not even directly related to cervical cancer.

    it is an infection that your body naturally fights, and gets rid of.

    and only when the infection persists and comes back and won't go away is when you should be concerned!  

    the shot has virtually NO benefit, and possible dangerous side effects!


    it is dangerous if you get it as a combo with other shots(e.x.tetanus)

    so do some research on Google! I found really good articles on there!

  5. I would not.  There have been some serious side effects and as long as you protect yourself when you have s*x there is no reason why you would need it.  Here is a link with some of the problems with the vaccine

  6. take vaccine, you'll benefit later.

  7. I would say get it.

    Before the reviewers post back going: "you're a guy, what would you know..." I would like to say this, how many of you have actually worked with the virus?

    I am part of a team working on maximising the protein output of the VLP's in hopes of making a more cost-effective alternative for those in third-world countries, specifically Vanuatu.

    I can tell you first hand that nothing nasty went into it. Most of the negative posters have been reading about the "terrible effects" from some newsblog or another and have not actually done the research.

    Symptoms at innoculation, such as sorness of the injection site, redness etc. are NOT indications that your going to be infertile, develop AD or some other outlandish claim.

    And as for you being 14 and not sexually active, that does not matter. Human Papillomavirus is spread through skin contact, and can be caught by those not sexually active.

    Gardasil is a PREVENTATIVE vaccine, not a cure. If you wait until you are 16, 18, 20+ it may be too late. There are hundreds of variations of HPV, with only four strains shown to cause cervical cancer. The others can lead to scaring of the v****a, among other things.

    My advice would be to have the injection now, rather than face the concequences later on in life.

    But then again, why are you listening to people you have never met online instead of a healthcare professional?

    Oh and, im a Uni student, not a drug company rep.

  8. definately get it!

    my sister is an r.n and she highly recommends it.

    it will hurt but its for your health and no you don't have to

    be sexually active to have it its for cancer not std's.

  9. It is dangerous and pointless. I do not get any vaccines and I consider my self a very healthy person!! I hardly ever get sick, etc!!

  10. If you are not sexually active then you don't really need it. My mom made me get it even though i didn't need it. It is a course of three shots over a period of three or six months i think. Each shots burns a lot but other then that i haven't had any side effects.

  11. i got one, and i didnt die or have any side affects.

  12. I personally wouldn't get the vaccine. It's too new for them to know all of the possible harmful side effects that will affect you some 20-30 years later. Most women have survived without it for this long; I don't find it worth the risk.

  13. I personally am not getting the vaccine because no one knows the LONG term effects of it. Its really a decision you, your mother, and your doctor should make together.

  14. I would get it now. You never know what could happen and you should want to be prepared. I got one and I am deathly afraid of needles.Honestly, I know everyone is different, but I has no side effects and when you go ask them if they can tell you the percentage of people who got the side effects. It is minimal and definitely worth having.

  15. i got it.

    no side effects.i havent even heard of anyone in my school having side effects, and all the girls in my school have gotten it.

    and i know i wont be sexually active for a very long time.

  16. what side effects? I've never heard of any.

    I personally was afraid that it might affect my

    reproductive organs, but I am now 9 weeks pregnant.

  17. i go the shot earlier this month well my second shot and i am not getting my third it mad me extremely sick for a week. it effects everyone different but i personally dont suggest it.  

  18. Well im 15 and my sister is 14. we got the gardisil shot, it didn't really hurt. and those "scary side-effects" aren't scary...all me n my sis got were a really sore arm. i think yu should get the will benefit you on later in life, when u get the vaccine the first time, u have to wait 2mnths and then get it again. then 6mnths. then 10yrs...or at least thats what they told me!!!

  19. Yes... you have to get a series if 3, so you might as well begin your series. HPV is not prevented by condom use, and can be spread sooo easily. On a personal note, I am currently going through h**l with abnormal paps and colposcopies.. and my mother had cervical cancer and a hysterectomy by the age of 29. Even though there are hundreds of strands, this will protect you from some of the current most dangerous strands. You will kick yourself in the *** when you are older if you contract something you could have prevented.  

  20. i got it it made my arm bruise

  21. The only bad thing about the shot is that it is painful but other than that it is best to get it now, they won't give it to you after age 26 because it works in younger people.  It is just to help guard you against a virus that can cause cancer.  

  22. i wouldn't get it because it has a ton of side effects that aren't fixed yet. my friend is having serious repercussions from the vaccine and she wishes she hadn't have gotten it.

  23. YES, you should get it. I'm glad you're not sexually active, but in order for it to be effective it should be taken at a young age. The side effects are rare and mild. They include:

    Pain, swelling, itching, and redness at the injection site






    This is the first time we can protect ourselves from HPV, so what's stopping us now? Afraid of something new? Go for it!

  24. I would strongly suggest against it. I will not say "NO DO NOT GET IT IT WILL KILL YOU" because it is your decision to make.

    If you would like some more information, I will post some links :)

    I am completely unvaccinated, and healthy as could be.

    I think that getting measles, chicken pox etc vaccines at birth is silly, you will not die from measles as a small child... in fact, it is much better to get these viruses as children, as they can be fatal when you are older, so by getting them as children you will be immune to them.

    I hope you are happy with whatever desicion you make, and good for you for not getting it without reading into it :)

  25. I don't think you should get it.  There have been reports about its side effects, and once it's in you, it's in you and it can't be undone.  

    I think it's too new of a vaccine.  We don't know if there are any long-term risks.  I don't want to get it just yet.  You're 14, and you have 12 years to get it... Why not wait and see?

  26. My friend got it last year when she was i dont think 14's too young

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