
Should I get the tax credit for my son every year?

by  |  earlier

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My ex and I are in the midst of working out our 'shared parenting plan.' I am a little irritated because I was hoping to be able to claim our son on my taxes every year, rather than every other year. I pay everything for the child including medical benefits. I do get child support but the expenses I incur far out way the amount of money I receive. I have a good job but I make less than 30k a year and the extra money at tax time really helps.

Is this something I should fight for?




  1. I feel whoever the child resides with most of the time should get to claim him. How is your ex's visitation? Is it like every other weekend and 1 day a week? Or is it split 50/ week at your house one week at his house? If it's 50/50 then you and your ex need to work something out between the two of you. It does seem like it would be fair to split it. But if your son resides with you most of the time--then I think you should be the one to claim him.

  2. The amount you receive for child support should be at least half of the expenses that you incur. However, being able to get the tax credit every year is not fair to your ex if you are co-parenting. I would be more concerned with the amount you receive every month than the once a year tax credit.

  3. If your son lives with you, you should claim the tax credit.  Doing otherwise would be fraud-they specifically ask if the child has lived with you for more than half of the year.

  4. Yes but you will have to prove to the courts why you should be able to claim you son on the taxes or at least demand that you get half of the EIC or CTC every year but if you do that then you ex will get half also.

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