
Should I get these??

by  |  earlier

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Those are lings to a play-pen type thing for my very small 4 month old pomeranian. Just a few questions about it.

Chose the one that you think best suits my situation, and then answer these questions, on the one that you chose.

1) I already have a crate, should i stick with the crate, and not buy this?

2) If i do get this should i put the crate inside this for the puppy to have somewhere to sleep?

3)Does it look sturdy to you?

4) Have you ever bought something like this for your puppy, if so, did it work well?

5) Do you think my puppy will still be able to use it when grown?? (again, he is a pomeranian, and at 4 months he still weighs about 3 pounds.

6) Do poms like to climb?

7) Do you think that this is big enough?

8) Do you think that i would have to purchase another one when he gets older?

9)Which one should i get, a, b, or c?

Thanks in advance.

Please check back, after you write, because i post additional comments, asking further detail or comments!





  1. Actually, you need to keep training it in its kennel.

    A pen would be a good idea, but, it still needs its kennel throughout its life.

    1. You NEED to stick with the crate.

    2. It doesn't really matter if you get this or not. But, she needs to be put in the kennel whenever you are not home, this will keep the pup, and your home, safe

    3. For a pom pup. Yes. It looks sturdy enough

    4. No, we have made a Puppy Pen long ago. And its homemade.

    5. Yes, I do. But, when you are home, you should keep him out of it, unless you are worried about him getting outside or something. Oh and as a side note, if your pom is 3 lbs at three months, then you are going to have a relativly large pom. Most likely with a healthy diet ending up at around 7-10 lbs.

    8. You may want to get a slightly bigger one. But, seeing as the only time it should be in it, is when you are not watching him, then, I think you might be fine

    9. I would pic B.

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