
Should I give an offering to my boyfriend's church?

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In the past three weeks I've gone to my boyfriend's church twice. I had been staying with him and his parents. This is not my regular church, but should I have given an offering?

I didn't even think of giving an offering when I went (my parents always take care of it at my church, as did my boyfriend's parents when we went to his church), but when the offering plate went around and they gave a subtle glance toward me, I began to wonder if I was responsible for my own church offering.




  1. They weren't giving you a subtle glance, they were just making sure you were comfortable. If they are fond of you, they'll support you whether or not you drop something in the plate, and they'll stomp anybody that questions your decision.

    You are responsible for your own offering. If you can't give much, fold the bill and put it into the envelop. Don't fill out the giver info. People will see you give a bill, but nobody can trace how big the bill was.

    If you want the church officials to know you accept adult responsibilities, you write a check. When the plate comes by, put your check in it, face down. Your seatmates won't know how much you gave, but the church officers will - and they're fine if you give 10 dollars.

  2. Up to you.  Toss a few bucks in an envelope, seal it, and when the offering plate comes around, drop it in.  The offering is kind of like a donation anyway.  The church can do things like take the kids on youth group trips or run a soup kitchen during the holidays.

  3. Giving an offering is something you do because you want to, not an obligation you do to appease someone else.

  4. You are fine.

  5. of course

  6. If you get an allowance from your parent's money, and they tithe, then they are taking care of the offering in your church for them and you.  If you earn money (not counting gifts) from others, then you should give an offering from that in your own church.  You should not give offerings because of pressure from or to impress anybody.  The best situation to give to their church is when they have a special offering, such as for a foreign mission, that touches your heart.  Whether or not you accept these answers from me or not, it sounds like you should explain your guiding values to your boyfriend's parents.  That will ease their minds that you and your family do give offerings, you will stick to your principles even under social pressures, and there are situations when you will willingly give to their church.

  7. You'll probably feel really good about yourself once you do, so you might as well. Just remember that no one is making you, and they'll probably understand since you're a new face there. I'd say decide whether a few bucks is worth the self-esteem boost or not.

  8. As a visitor to this church you are not obligated to give a offering.If you want to that is great,if not that is fine too.

  9. If you are an adult, yes, give an offering.  If you are a teenager then no.  Does your boyfriend give his own offering?  If he does and he's a teenager then maybe you should also but you don't have to.

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