
Should I give my cat a bath?

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i have a cat that can bathe himself just fine, but he runs outside a lot and i often see him rolling around outside. He looks clean, but he is beginning to gain a very distinct odor. Should I give him a bath and if so, how often?




  1. Make sure your hospitalization insurance is paid up first...kitty may disagree with your prescription!

  2. only reason he rolls around he doesnt like them human smell on him.i would give him a bath couple times a year just so he might get used to it incase you get a flea problem.whoever says you shouldnt bathe cat doesnt own one.just talk to him to settle them down a little

  3. If he is getting smelly then yes, you can give him a bath but chances are he will be smelly again in a very short time because you keep letting outside.

  4. Cats clean them selfs but if you want to you can.

  5. You can give him a bath if you want, they don't need bathing as frequently as dogs but will be fine for one on occasion.  Good luck though because most of the time they are not big fans of it!

  6. i bath my cat occasionally i do it in a washing up bowl as like your cat he tends to end up smelling badly he did scratch a few times but now he just sits there

  7. Theres really no reason too. They can clean themselves & unless you want a very angry cat, then just leave it =]

  8. If he's getting smelly then a bath every now and again is fine but really not too often.

    Whether he'll let you is another matter.

    Our cats are totally docile and you can do whatever you want with them so it's easy to do.

    My mates cat was minging once and I managed to bath it for him by just being firm.

    You are really best of getting someone to help, even if just to aim the shower head.

    Get some suitable shampoo ( I use puppy/kitten shampoo).

    Make sure the water is a comfortable temperature and don't  get it near his head or ears and just take it carefully.

    Hold him firmly by the scruff of his neck (not like you're picking him up just to keep him still).

    Let him know that you're in charge but be prepared to back down if he goes crazy!

    Dry him with a warm towel and keep him warm 'till he dries out.

    We do ours once a year if that.

    Good luck.

  9. No, not unless you  want multiple lacerations and a very upset cat. There is no need to bath cats, they clean themselves. Do give him a good brushing every day thought, to clean out the grit he picks up and help avoid furballs.

  10. i gave my cat a bath once. he had snuck up into the attic and rolled around in the insulation and we were afraid of him l*****g it off and getting sick. He hated the water but he actually liked the blow dryer... if your cat smells, you might want to give him a bath. check to see if he's getting into garbage somewhere and if he is, get rid of it. be careful of where he's rolling around exactly and try to limit his time there. If you do decide to give him a bath, here's a website that might help:

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