
Should I give my daughter whole milk at 9 months??

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How old can you start giving your child Milk? She has been on formula since she was born and I was wondering if she is too young to start weening her off onto milk? Is she too young?




  1. yes you can. and it depends on your MD and how you feel about giving milk.

    my daughter is 10 1/2 months and she`s drinking whole/homo milk. Not a lot though, I give it to her after her morning nap as part of her snack. She`s still drinking formula, 3 bottles daily. However, my MD suggested that its okay to faze in the milk, so when she turns 1, we can start weaning the formula off (however, formula or breast is best up to 1year of age).

    It depends on who you talk to and what they believe is best.

    My daughter showed no signs of being allergic or had no adverse reaction to the milk. she`s been drinking it for the past 3 weeks.

    If you feel comfortable with giving your child milk, do some research and yes ask other people, its nice to hear other opinions.

  2. It's recommended at one year old, unless your pediatrician tells you different..

  3. 12 months is the golden age to give whole milk, however, it's ok to have her try your milk when you make a milk shake, or if you add the milk as an ingredient to some type of food.

    I do it all the time with my 11 month old and she's very healthy...

  4. 1 years old. Then that way u can see if she has an allergic reaction. Don't give it before then. Right now as it stands she is too young still. So just be careful what u give her. Good luck!!!!!!!!

  5. Your name says Momof4, so you should know this by now. NO, YOU CANNOT GIVE HER COW'S MILK YET. NOT UNTIL SHE IS A YEAR OLD, IS HER BODY READY FOR IT.

  6. Babies cannot tolerate cow's milk before the age of one. When you bring her in for her checkup ask her doctor if it's okay to start weening.  

  7. 12 months, you don't start milk until then.  Their digestive system isn't prepared for the switch until 12 months and some take even longer.  

  8. My mom gave my brother whole milk in sippy cups at 8 months. Hes 17 now, no problems and cant get enough of it, drinks it with EVERYTHING. My daughter is a breastfed 4 month old, im going to do the same.

    Try giving her a cup at night and she how she does if ud like to. Good Luck :)

  9. My third son was not gaining weight so well and he was nursing at 9 months.  I did not plan to wean him until a year, but my doctor said it would be okay to supplement with whole milk (secondary to breast milk - not to replace it) starting at TEN months.  He said any supplementing prior to 10 months should be formula.  He suggested continuing nursing until 10 months and then supplementing with whole milk.  He admitted that the "official" timeline is whole milk at 12 months, but he said that his personal opinion was that it may be more problematic at that age to introduce formula for just 3 months and then wean to whole milk  -- a lot of transition in a short period of time and may cause more feeding problems.  I followed his advice and it worked out well.  We were able to continue nursing until 12 months, and added 1-2 bottles of whole milk a day for the last 2 months of the first year.  I think so long as the whole milk is secondary to the breastmilk, it is okay (assuming MD is okay with it), but I would not wean entirely to whole milk prior to a year.  Good luck!

  10. The recommended age at which to give cow's milk is 12 months, not earlier.

  11. Too young.  Babies are supposed to only get formula or breastmilk in the first year.  No cow's milk til a year old.

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