
Should I give my son away for adoption or default on my mortgage?

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He is five.




  1. If you have to ask you shouldn't be a parent.  A true parent wouldn't have to ask a bunch of strangers such a no brainer question.  

    If you are for real give your up child to a family that knows the value of a child.

  2. Are you serious?

    It would be interesting to hear the conversation you would have with your son, when you explain to him that you are giving him up, so that you can keep the house.

    I hope that you were just bored today, that you just wanted to get a reaction out of people and that you are having a good laugh as you read the responses, even though nothing is funny, because a mother would not even consider this as a option.

  3. Frist of all cant believe that you would post such a question but since you did it makes me wonder if you are abusing your son cause of the stress your under with your house if that is true then you need to call someone to take your son and you carry on with your life and good luck with that knowing what you did to save your house,credit etc... me personally would live in a homeless shelter before I ever did such a thing!!

  4. You need to do some soul searching and reconsider your values. If you're "for real."

  5. Troll.

  6. Can you not use him for collateral?

  7. Ok for starters how would getting rid of your son make your house payment? Second what kind of mother willingly give up their 5 yr old for a house. If you are really serious and are willing to give up your son for a house then you should not have kids anyways. If your willing to give him up then god knows how your treating him. that poor child didnt ask to be here you put him here so step up and be a woman and take care of your child.

  8. I think you should call children services and tell them that your son is worth less to you than your house. Perhaps they will just take him away and rid you of your "problem".

    I cannot believe that a parent could even consider their house more important than their child.

    Some people should not be parents

  9. Hmmmmm. Tough decision.

    Maybe you could sell him, and get ahead on your mortgage payments.

  10. Ok- hold me back.   I pray that you don't have a son that is five and you are just trying to be funny- because if you do have a son, how could you even ask this question? Let me see now- you had your son 5 years ago. He has grown up in the home that you may have to default the mortgage on.  Let me try and figure this out- a child vs a lifeless house.  Should be very simple to anyone that had a heart. THE HOUSE goes.

  11. Wow. Im surprised that you would even ask that. Your sons life is precious. Why did you even have him?

  12. default on your mortgage.. you can't give him up for adoption now that you've been in his life for 5 years

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