
Should I give the baby the fathers last name?

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We are kind of together, but it seems like we are becoming more and more distant each day. I love him, but I dont know if things are going to work out between us. I just feel like i cant trust him and im not sure if i want to be with him. Might just be my hormones going crazy. I dont like my last name at all, becasue of my dad and now i dont know. Whose name, his fathers or mine?




  1. most kids have their dads i guess

  2. im nameing my baby after his/her dad i think thats the right thing to do

  3. Give the baby your last name please.  Good luck.

  4. his name, don't forget to have him sign the birth certificate.

    because his father will make a big deal out of are so crazy his father want every grand child to carry the family name,as if his family is rich.

  5. yeah i was in the same situation... in love, pregnant, wondering what do to about babys last name. we're actually still together, not married yet, and i decided to give the baby his fathers last name. not because of me at all, it had nothing to do with me, if it did, he would have my last name. i just thought about the confusing future he would have if me and his father did not marry and i married someone else and we'd all have diff last names... his dad is a good dad and will always be his daddy and im sure one day even if i dont end up with him he'll be happy and proud to have it.

    edit: OKAYYY now that i see the details... i would say give him your name and his fathers hyphenated... my father was a lousy husband, but a great father! theres still hope for him, but if hes out getting drunk and not seeing how his PREGNANT girlfriend is doing, he doesn't deserve much. id stick to the hyphen or just yours

  6. i think you should give the baby it's father's last name it'll be easier for it when it's older and whether you feel close to him or not anymore he's still the other part of your child

  7. his father. at least the kid will have a sense of belonging .

  8. if you think you will stay together then yes,

    if not then no!

    i'm still with my baby's dad but i wish i didn't give him his dad's last name...

    cuz if we break up my son is stuck with that last name...

    and i guess it's kinda hard to get a last name changed..

  9. this is more of a question for the section about relationships ... but i think you should give it your last name, especially if it looks like things are ending between you.

    you could hyphenate the last names

    also you could just give it his name to make him be happy then you could change it if things end.

  10. ask him what his future looks like after the baby is born, tell him to be honest. If he doesn't want to be with you, but wants to be there for your son (right?) then last name his (def no jrs tho!!!) but if he doesnt want anything to do with either of u, ur last some states you can even give him any last name you want!!! good luck.

  11. If the father is going to be an active part of this child's life, no matter whether or not the two of you are together, then yes.  If you don't want the baby to be with the father at least part of the time, then no.  It would be to hard for him/her.  Or, if you want, you can do Your Name-His Name (such as Jones-Smith)

  12. give the baby ur last name!

  13. Maybe I would use yours

  14. Well, I gave my daughter my last name.  When I first got pregnant my ex-fiance "seemed" to be very excited about it, but soon starting acting distant and avoiding me.  Then when I was about 3 months he left.  He had nothing to do with me while I pregnant, so I gave her my last name.  I also didn't put his name on the birth certificate.  He can always be added, but you can't take it off once he is on there.  Its a very difficult decision to make, but I believe I chose the best option.

  15. It sounds like you need to sort out your problems with the baby's father before you decide which name to give it.

  16. the decision is urs, but my children have there dads last name, an i was never married to them...

    good luck

  17. Will the father be in the baby's life?  Do you think he'll be a good father?  

    This will be the baby's dad no matter whether you stay together or not.  They will have their own relationship, outside of you.  If he isn't an abusive drug-addict or some horrible person, he deserves a chance with his child.

  18. If he is a fit father and its only an issue of you two being together then yes why not?  I mean you would only be making it harder for him if you did not.  He can get a lawyer to establish paternity and what if you want to claim child support later?  It would not be very fair of you to not let him claim his child based solely on the fact that you may not want to be with him.  So unless hes unfit or something i say yes let him be on the birth certificate with his last name!  He is the father after all!

  19. I wouldn't unless you two are married. If you aren't, and he isn't going to be actively involved in your child's life, then use your last name. It makes filling out paperwork so much easier if you don't have to explain that yes, you really are the baby's mother, and yes, you have different last names.

    I gave my son his father's last name when he was born because we were engaged at the time, but I had it legally changed to my last name after I left him. He was abusive and his rights were terminated, so I had my son's name changed to protect him from his "father." He isn't involved in my life or my son's life at all and we're both much better off for it.

    You could make up a new last name for both of you and have yours legally changed. There's a fee to change a name, and I don't know the laws on changing an adult's name when there isn't a marriage certificate, but you could always look into it.

  20. if he'll be there fory the baby

  21. It is his baby just as much as it is yours. Even if you guys can't work it out it is still BOTH of you people's  kid.

    Try to get a hold of him and say " Are you going to be there or not, i need to find out which last name to give the baby ".

  22. this might just be me, but i think the baby should always have their dads last name.

  23. The question of why you have a relationship with a loser is moot right now. Since it sounds like you have no future with this child's father, at least put his father's name on the birth certificate as the father, you will need his support in the future and your child might want contact someday. You could give your child your last name so that he feels like he belongs to someone's family and not to an MIA dad he never sees.

  24. I think you should use the dads name because that will always be his child.  But you could also give the baby both last names.

    Good Luck ! Hopefully everything works out for you.

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