Hi i'm 25 and have been seeing this guy for about five months, but known him for about a year (lost contact w him for a couple of months). We've gotten to know each other more. Ever since i met him i knew he was for me, He's truly a great guy but i knew there was something we wasn't telling me. Just recently we've been getting more serious and he confessed to me that he has three kids with his ex. and four years ago he remarried and now has a fourth child that is 8 months. He said he truly made a mistake with the second wife and is in the process of a divorce (I confirmed it). He wants to take our relationship to the next level and I do too. Am i being naive and stupid in just considering it? He wants to know if i'm willing to accept him and his kids. I really don't see the kids as a problem, but him being truthful and hiding this from me. Help, I need some advice!!!