
Should I give up my dreams? PLEASE READ?

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I love Journalism; in fact, I love writing. I love researching about topics learning new things every day. I just get excited when I have to write a research paper. In my opinoin, writing opens doors filled with knowledge and facts. I heard Columbia University is one of the best colleges if you want to major in Journalism. I want to be working for NY Times sipping my morning joe as a type articles and research. Now after reading it, my dream does not seem possible. It seems distant and remote that can only come true with luck. Is my dream to fake?




  1. If you love doing something then you should pursue it with every effort you can. However, it never hurts to have something to fall back on.  

  2. Whoa, you got time.  I was exactly like you when I was a freshman in high school- I always got a little too giddy when a paper was assigned for a class.  I loved any exuse to write.  And now I'm a writing major in college.    

    If it is really what you want to do, go for it! probably won't take you, no, but write all you can for your school paper, and any other school publications.  Take all the writing and English classes you can.  Keep up the GPA, and when you get into college, write for the college publications.  Once you get to be about 18, even consider doing freelance for your town's paper.  And if there are any newletters to write for in any clubs you're part of, do it (I was the reporter for my 4-H club for instance).  Write in your spare time as a hobby.  Just keep writing!  

    I might warn against putting all your eggs into the journalism basket, as papers are faultering, so keep an open mind to other forms of writing such as copywriting.  But as I said, keep writing.  You'll get where you need to go.  :-)      


  3. Your goal is totally realistic, just start writing for any publication you can. Keep in mind that Columbia's school of journalism is a graduate school that you attend AFTER 4 years of college. Columbia does not have a college of journalism.  


    Just because you weren't accepted one place, it doesn't mean that you will be turned down in the next and sometimes, as you will start to find out (I'm assuming that you are still young yet), doors will be slammed in your face, even though you are a bright and very talented person.  You need to just pick yourself up, brush yourself off and move on, regardless, or else, you will be just stepped over by someone else who, like you, is trying their best to reach their goal.

    What you should do is to set your hurdles a little lower and take it one step at a time and not expect that you are going to go from Point A to Point B in a single night and be an instant success.  

    So what, if it takes you an extra semester, extra year or whatever...Rome wasn't built in a day!  If it is your true passion to want to be a journalist, BE A JOURNALIST.  You may have to work at a job like a small town newspaper for a year or two, but if you keep trying, you may eventually get that prize job of working at the NY Times.


    Good Luck!

  5. Hey why wouldn't you be able to become a journalist?! Try joining your high school paper.

  6. Never let that hope go!

    if you want it that much you will do anything to get there. People have left with no degree's or anything and have got amazing jobs.

    I want to be a Graphic Designer and it scares me that i will never make it, but i'm very determined

  7. The truth is you can make it there.. I  believe you can. You already sound intelligent and well rounded for your age. Just remember you might have a few less... glorious jobs before that. Or you might write for a smaller paper or magazine first. But if you do good work and stay devoted... you will eventually get that job ;)

  8. I knew a guy that really wanted to go to harvard. and they denied him the first time, the second time.... the fifth time.... but on the eleventh time he was accepted.

    The point is, he didnt give up and now he has gone through harvard med and 17 years later is now a nurse working his way to be a doctor.

    hes having the hardest time reaching his goal, but he will eventually get there.

    if you think that your dream will come true by the time you are 20, you are nuts. i am 22 and all my dreams went out the window when the college i really wanted to go to upped their tuition cost to 32,000 per year. instead i got married, and joined the military, and im using their money to pay for my college. its not the same school i wanted to attend, but i will end up with the same job. this is just a detour, and eventually i will be a shrink.

    things never go the way you planned. and you are so young that you will see so many changes before you even finish high school. you may become a humanitarian to help the greater good of the world if there is a bigger war, your parents may become ill and you aspire to cure what they have and become a diagnostician, you may see so many other opportunities arise and may change your mind. but if that is your goal, dont lose sight on it. and dont forget to be flexable because you will hit dead ends and hard ships along the way.

    you may not end up working for the NY times, but instead a more local paper, and you may not be a famous media member, but you will end up being happy if you reach the point of being in journalism.

  9. Dream your drean and remember a dream comes by one small step at a  time

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