
Should I give up on this website / Why is my Master lying to me?

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I designed a site for someone, got it to be verified by the W3C using CSS and, now, the person for whom I designed it is using a Trellix Sitebuilder to overwrite all the stuff I've FTP'd.

No matter what I do, it's always changing.

He told me he knows nothing of the internet and so I had control.

It took me one night to get a front-page that was great in every environment.

Now look at it:

The worst part is - he did it when I was on holiday and it went on Google at the same time...

And changed the password, so I cannot access the FTP.

I wanted to put this site in my portfolio, but just look at it...

I've designed a few extra features such as member's areas and newsletter subscription forms.

But do you think it's worth carrying on with the project considering that EVERYDAY he is changing it. Despite telling me that he's not.

I know he is, because I can see all the activities...

Why is my Master lying to me?

Should I continue with the project or just wash my hands?

I'm working on some personal stuff - I have articles to write, a book to finish, music to polish and a film project that needs attention.

I DO want to continue Martial Art and I want to be conferred with a Teacher's (not instructor's) grade.

He is the best teacher I have ever met in all the years I have been doing Martial Art.

But I cannot work with him, right now, in a business sense.

It's just such hard work - especially considering all the other stuff I have to do in my daily life.

Please answer my question - I'm in a real dilemma.

Carry on with his project?

Why is he lying?

Should I challenge him on these points?

Please help me make the right decision.





  1. If he is paying you, then keep at it and let him change what he wants.  I worked on the internet for ten years and the worst part is the owners.  They are idiots.  I hope never to work in that field again, however, if you are still being paid for this project, finish it, then wash your hands of this person.

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