
Should I go Army or Marines?

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I gotta diploma and in good shape. ive always wanted to join the army or marines. Should join the army or marines




  1. I was in the Marines and I do not regret it a bit.  If I had to choose again, I would go with the Marines - although - Army Rangers are pretty squared away.

    It depends on what you want to to.

    Also - don't always believe the recruiters.

    Semper Fi

  2. Dude........let me tell ya a story..........

    I was Navy........we were in Sydney for some big anniversary celebration..............there were guys in their dress uniforms.......

    Army, Navy and Marines.

    Who do YOU think pulled the TOP babes?

    Ever see a ceremony where all the branches are represented?

    Marine Uniform Kicks ***.........hands down.

    The Navy guys always look like IDIOTS.

    stupid cereal  bowl hats and cracker jack suit.

    Army and Air Force is okay...........but the ladies will go for the guy in the Marine outfit first.,.........every time.   Trust me on that.

  3. From your spelling, looks like you're a great candidate for the Marines.

  4. haha weasel..good answer for you jack, unless you have some specific reason to join the Army like your grandfather was in it in WW2 or something like that you should join the Corps, i've talked to many people in the Army and trust me, if its a toss up right now you'll regret not becoming a Marine, unless your a gold digger and after the signing bonus then I dont want you in my Corps anyway.

  5. Um... If you don't care about the land and the sea and really tough training... You can join the marines... But if you don't like the water, maybe you should go into the army.

  6. As a Marine, I would say join the Marines.  But its not what you want to join, its which one you are more comfortable with and which one can help you more.  But thank you

  7. Either way you go, you will love to hate it and hate to love it. It will be a experience like none other and you will make some life long friends. All that aside, one thing is for certain, if you join the Army, you will always tell the story about how you almost joined the Marines, and if you join the Marines you will never admit to even considering the Army and curse yourself for not going into the Air force.

    Good Luck!

  8. Yes

    Good Luck!

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