
Should I go Vegan/Vegetarian?

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I've been considering it and I thought I'd find out from some people who live like that. What are some down sides and up sides? I know people have thier own opinions about this but I wanna hear yours to help me decide! :D




  1. YES! but still, it's toatlly up to you, but do it for the right reasons. go google "" and watch the animal video where they explain about the animals (i saw it and it really inspired me to go vegan). and it also tells you how to start being a vegetarian, more info about being vegetarian, what kinds of food u can eat when you are vegetarian, etc.

  2. i honestly have never felt better since i became vegan. annoying things include sometimes eating out, and sometimes people thinking i'm crazy. grocery shopping is tough sometimes too, but i live in sort of a more rural southern town and most people have never even heard of vegan.

    but yeah, overall - i feel healthier, more energized, and i'm able to focus better. my skin is clearer too. not to mention it's opened my eyes to lots of delicious foods i would have never otherwise tried. do some research, decide WHY u want to do it, and give it a shot. hey, if it doesn't work, at least u tried it!

  3. absolutely. becoming vegetarian has changed my life. my health has improved, i've shed a few unwanted pounds, and i feel good knowing that i'm helping animals who can't help themselves.

    good luck! :D

  4. I dont think you should go all the way but I think everyone could cut waay down on their meat consumption.

  5. I think a vegan is a person who does not consume anything related to animal. Like meat, egg, milk, or anything like that. A vegan consume ONLY vegetable and food of the like.

    A vegetarian, on the other hand, still eat egg or milk, but does not consume animal meat.

    EDIT: Oh c**p, I didn't read the question clearly. Anyway, the up side of being a vegetarian is that it is more healthier and you don't have to imagine those animal being tortured while eating. The down side is that you need a LOT of nutrients, since not eating meat will cut you down on the nutrients that your body need. You will need to research WAY MORE if you plan on turning into a vegan or a vegetarian.

  6. it is up to u. but u can become a half vegan. and not eat land animals (ex. chicken, beef, pork) and eat fish and sushi. my friend is a half vegan

  7. I personally tried veganism under the supervision of a nutririonist and I became horribly depressed and I had to go back to meat

  8. It's up to you, research it. I'm not a vegetarian but i'll go months without eating meat but I still get my protein in because i'm also an athlete. On the weeks, months I don't have meat I up my protein intake with soy products, soy protein shakes, tofu, beans, lugumes, eggplant and all sorts of nuts.

  9. I don't think going Vegan or Vegetarian is a good idea because Dairy products are realy good for you and meat has lots of protien.

  10. read a book called "Skinny *****" and you will have no more doubts haha. veg is better for you and it's what we were meant to be.

  11. dont listen to everybody else who is criticizing vegetarian . i have been a vegetarian for 6 months and have been doing just fine. You can get protein from: beans,nuts,legumes,eggs,milk(for a vegetarian),soy milk,


  12. there is no such thing as a half vegan...go vegetarian and see if it works out. when you accomplish that, then go vegan

  13. its totally up yo you...  i guess it can be healthy or unhealthy depending on how you choose to live... i have a friend who claims to be a VEGetaian and basically eats fast food and drinks soda... i  also noticed some vegeterians/vegans think they are elite.. and try to make you feel bad for eating/wearing animal products.. whatever floats your boat... just remember you once ate meat and wore animal products..

  14. You should!  The main reason why I became vegetarian was because I thought it was weird to eat something that was alive.  I have been one for quite a while, maybe 8 years, and I am 16 so that is half my life.  

    Now I realize how good it is for the enviornment to not eat meat.  I also have started to cut down on my dairy intake.  I traded regular milk for soy milk and i try not to eat as much cheese.  

    it is really easy now in days to get good substitutes for meat and dairy.  Even my local shoprite has more organic meetless things like veggie burgers and other things like that.

    if you decided to make the switch you have to remember to get a lot of protien.  Tofu is a good substitute for meat, and is a lot healthier too!  there are a lot of good asian recipies online.  

    you can also get a lot from nuts, so insted of snacking go chips get some almonds or peanuts without any thing on it like honey roasted because then it isn't healthy any more.

    indian food is mostly vegitarian too so you could go check out some resturants or resipies (i don't know any, i have a weak stomach and can't eat any of it)

    i hope you make the change! good luck!

  15. My mom is vegan and she does pretty well and is committed to it. There IS a bit of a problem when doing this though.

    You see, we as humans need certain vitamins in our diet such as B vitamins and all which are derived from animals themselves. If you cut these out of your diet or other essential animal nutrients, you could suffer some affects (like, loss of hair or energy). My mom has lost some hair because of going vegan so you might wanna be careful when you do. Take a multi-vitamin daily, perhaps.

    Another thing, vegan is where you eat NO animal parts or ingredients whatsoever. That can be quite difficult because you could, lets say, eat a cake and you got it straight off the shelf pre-baked somewhere. Well, that cake had milk, eggs etcetera in it. In other words, you just ate animal ingredients which was exactly what you wanted to avoid.

    My best advice is to take into consideration the food you eat daily, and ask yourself would that be something you can give up or something you can live without eating. Believe it or not, it's really really hard to be vegan in our society.  

  16. I've been a vegetarian before, and as a big meat eater, it only lasted about two weeks =P But, i loved the experience, it was really interesting feeling what it was like not to eat meat. If you really think you can do it, then go for it! Just remember that you don't have to stay being a vegetarian forever if you try. The first time is the hardest- try again if you fail!

  17. The American Dietetic Association has said that "appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases." However, poorly planned vegan diets can be deficient in nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids. These deficiencies have potentially serious consequences, including anemia, rickets and cretinism in children, and osteomalacia and hypothyroidism in adults.


  18. The decision is totally up to you. For example, I don't like eating meat, so I don't; unless I'm with my family and that's what they make. But I love fish! So, I eat mainly a vegetarian diet, sometimes with fish and meat only if I have to.

    You should only completely go vegan or vegetarian if that's the kind of diet you want. But if you like changing things up once in a while, you don't have to restrict yourself completely.

  19. You should, because meat is gross and the animals are treated horribly, and dairy products are just plain bad for you.  Did you know that milk actually leeches your body of calcium?

    If you need some more reasons go to

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