
Should I go back and try being a vegetarian?

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See I had a friend stay with me who was vegetarian for a month and I followed what they ate just because I was curious during that month I had lost 20 lbs which put me at 270 lbs. I actually felt great and I had lots of energy. Well the friend left and i went back to my old eating habits and I have ballooned to 315 lbs and I feel pain in my body and just do not feel good. I am really debating if I should go back to eating vegetarian since it did do me that huge progress. If so, can i get some advice on how to do it since that person was the one who cooked all the meals when they were staying here and we don't talk anymore. Thanks




  1. You should since it made you feel really good!

    A vegetarian diet is a very good one, and it is a triple win situation. You are actually lowering your weight if you are a vegetarian, you are saving 100 animals a year if you stay vegetarian all year, and you are also helping you body by not being prone to certain types of cancer.

    So, yea, go ahead and be a vegetarian. You'll feel really good about yourself, and about the animals.

  2. If you felt that it was a benefit to your health then yes, why not? Buy yourself a good vegetarian cookbook if you cook meals from scratch (I highly recommend 'Cranks Fast Food') Otherwise go to your biggest local supermarket and look at the vegetarian selection - you can get fake everything, sausages, burgers, nuggets etc. The other thing to keep in mind is that your former friend could have been cooking low fat vegetarian food so it may not have the same effect when you do it yourself. Can you remember any of the things the person cooked? I could then send you some recipes?

  3. -keep remembering why your vegetarian. in your case it really helped you. you lost weight and you felt great. why would you not want to feel like that forever?

    -i actually recommend a video on youtube called 'meet your meat'. its a 12 minute documentary. it explains what goes on. picture that video everytime you feel like splurging.

    -think of all the girls your going to get not being a tub of lard.

  4. You don't need to be vegetarian. But it does sound like you need more vegetables and lean meat in your diet. What did you go back to eating, double cheeseburgers and pizza? Try eating a balanced diet, give up stuff that you know is bad for you, and exercise a little. I think you'll see the same results.

  5. u noe what i stayed with my vegetarian cousin for the summer one time and i ended up feeling good and healthy yet i sometimes missed some meat

    but this year at home ec class i leearned healthy ways of eating and cooking and junk and its actually good to eat meat and it may be dangerous to be a vegetarian if u dont know what ur doing but i think ur main problem is eating the rihght stuff and amount

    so i recommend just checking the nutrition label for u

  6. Obviously you should because whatever you are eating now clearly isn't good for you.

    Just cook vegetables, get a vegetarian cookbook etc.

    You might consider going pescetarian rather than full vegetarian as fish is healthy and things like cod are very low fat, whereas mackerel and so on it healthy fat.

    An easy way of doing a vegetarian diet is to use substitute meat products so you can eat the same sort of food without meat.

  7. well being vegatarian doesnt always mean you lose weight. Cut out sodas,crisps and too many carbs

    try these websites for some recipes

  8. if it works for you go ahead and do it but it might be hard at first because everything will be super tempting

  9. If you think that's what you  need to do, then go for it.

    But being a vegetarian did not make you healthier. Being disciplined and watching what you ate did. (in front of other people) If you applied the same principle to your old diet, it would work out just the same. Exercise will do wonders too.

    Many people are healthy without having to resort to vegetarianism which in any case, is not a weight loss program. There are many overweight vegetarians

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