
Should I go back to my stylist?

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I got my hair colored today, a light ash blond. Well, that's what I wanted. What I got was a dark strawberry blond, with light, golden roots. It is red which I didn't want, and multicolored: the roots and under-hairs are darker than everything else. With trim and style, the whole shebang came to $70. I am a part time waitress and student, so this is a significant amount to me.

How taboo would it be to go back and ask for a "redo"? Even if she just goes darker that would be fine, forget lightening, I just don't want this weird golden thing and funny roots. Is it too much to expect that she do it for free? Would it be better to just dye it myself? Why are my roots doing this? Agghhhh!!!





  1. The same thing happened to my friend recently. She usually just dyed her hair from the box, but for some reason or another she went to a professional and asked for her hair to be some shade of red... it ended up coming out pink! After a few days it faded a bit, and now only looks pink in the sunlight, but she still doesn't like it.

    I think the risk you take with dying your hair is the chance that it may not come out the right color. It's really annoying that you had to spend your hard-earned money to get a color you didn't want, but at the same time sometimes these things just aren't preventable. If you want, you can go back to your salonist and go over your options, but if I were you even if she gave you new color for free, I would tip her again for her efforts; after all, she is working for her money, too.

    Also, it's not good for your hair for you to dye it so many times in a row, so if your hairstylist doesn't offer to redye it for free, I would say to brave it out for about two weeks with your current hair color, and then dye it again - your hair will thank you for it. And hey, who knows, maybe you'll grow to like your color by then!

    Good luck.

  2. your hair probably has a red tint to it because your hair probably has a red undertone and it can cause your hair to have a redish tint to it. what they should have done is put a filler of the color your hair is missing to even it out then put the other color ontop. NEVER color your hair yourself.. it can cause a bigger mess because color does not process on colored hair. try going back to her and tell her your problem and she should redo it for you but if not ask for a different stylist or go to a different salon

  3. As a professional, I would say that you should go back and have that mess corrected. If it isn't what you wanted, and obviously it isn't, I would want you to have it fixed.

    She can put on a semi-permanent color on it to even out the different colors and it will be fine.

    Good luck to ya!

  4. GO BACK!!! and it should b free cuz she messed up it BIG time! but plz DO NOT try to dye it urself, watever u do!!!  

  5. ummm i would go back and be like i want free hair dying for the rest of my life

    not really but i would go back and and get it redone if its that bad but if she messed up once she could again so its your call

  6. When you're lightening your hair that much, what happened to your hair is natural.  You have to go gradually to the color that you want when you're going from any dark color to a light ash blonde, and you should have seen what it turned out like when she styled it in the salon.  The stylist could have tried to lift the color out some more while you were there, but she may not have done so because it would have killed your hair.  What the stylist did that was wrong was not tell you about this process.

  7. ok. the reason that your roots are lighter than the rest of your hair is because roots tend to lighten faster than the rest of your hair. I would recommend that you DO go back to your stylist...she SHOULD do it for free since you are not satisfied with the outcome. Dont try to do anything to it yourself because since you have just had it processed, its going to cause more damage than good and it would be better for your stylist to fix it then you trying to dye it darker with a box dye. On top of that, since your hair is so light now, you will probably need to use a protein filler so the color will stick and those can sometimes be hard to find for people that aren't hairstylists. Just go back and tell her that you don't like it and its not what you wanted...if shes good and worried about her clientele at all she should fix it. Best of luck!

  8. Definitely don't do it yourself! I would give the salon a call tomorrow morning and explain to them what you are not happy with and what a good time would be to fix it.  Definitely at least call tomorrow so they know you are dissatisfied and they should be willing to fix it (if you wait any longer you'll probably have to pay for it). I would still tip the person that fixes it but you certainly shouldn't have to pay for it.

  9. If you asked for something ('light ash blond') and you got something completely different, than your stylist will completely understand. Don't be afraid to go back and ask for a redo - and if he/she isn't willing to do it for free, you should ask for (or demand, depending on your relationship with them) a bargain or discount deal on the coloring re-do.

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