
Should I go back to public school?

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About a yr and a half ago I left public school and my mom started home schooling me, due to a helluvalotta emotional stress. A few months before I left public school, I had attempted suicide. Meds&counseling just weren't helping. Now, I am feeling alot better. I live in a smaller town, so the emotional stress might not be so bad?? This coming school year will also be my first year in high school. I've been thinking about going back for the past 2 hrs, and I can find just as many positives as negatives. I just don't want to make the wrong decision.. Go back to school and have my life fall to pieces again, or stay homeschooled and later on figure out I messed up with that decision. I am also going to discuss it with my mom, but was kind of wantign some opinions from here?




  1. I'm a lot like you. I'm a 15-year old girl who's interested in Austrian economics and pre-Revolution US history. It can be hard to find friends.

    If there's a homeschooler's theater group near you, join it. Even if you absolutely hate acting. Take a small part, and go for it. It's regularly scheduled, there are a lot of people, and you can hang out there and make friends. You all have a clear common interest that you can bring up. It really is great.

    Talk to your mom about finding things like that. The point is that it has to happen regularly and allow time to hang out. Nebulous 'homeschool hangouts' are usually a lot of people who already know each other going to hang out while newbies wait around on the sidelines looking awkward.

    Parents are great resources. Use them. Ask your mom to set you up with, say, 3 social activities a week, and make you go to them.

    Under normal circumstances I would say that you should try out school for a semester to see if you like it, but given that you tried to commit suicide, I'd warn against going back. Since meds and counseling didn't help until you got out of school, it stands to reason that the problem wasn't you, but your school. Don't go back if it hurts you.

  2. I've found human interaction is good, almost no matter what happens. Go back to with other'll do you some good in the long run, i swear.

  3. go

  4. If you decide to try High School how long would it take to get back out again if it all goes wrong? If it would be quick and easy then it's not too much of a risk, as long as you don't try to stick it out if things turn bad because obviously you don't want to make yourself sick again.

  5. Okay, so I am going through the same thing.  I became homeschooled for this year, and it was the best idea...definately meant to happen.  However, i'm thinking that i will go back next year and graduate early.  Anyway, on to you! lol!  I would go back next year and give it a shot.  Can't you become homeschooled again if it does not work out the way it should?  Who knows you might actually enjoy it!  Also, pray about it.  God and his angels know a solution to EVERY problem.  I'l be praying for you too!  

    God bless!


    The first year of highschool is ALWAYS difficult.  Your adjusting to a lot of new things so ofcourse it's gonna be a little more difficult than it would be if you were going to back th the same school that you had been going to for a while.  The second year is always easier..your more comfortable and your more confident.  Then it just gets easier from there...unless public school is not meant for you.

  6. I've never been homeschooled but there is a lot of pressure and stress at public schools.  But if you don't go back during your first year of highschool, it will be more difficult to go back later. If you adjust really well, I suggest you wait until you figure things out and then go back. However homeschooling sounds like a better option for you at this time.

  7. your the only one who can make that decision.. but i'm afraid you will look back and see everything you missed by not going to high school. it is stressful, but i wouldn't trade those years for anything. good luck

  8. I think you should contact your school's counselor and discuss the situation with her/him. Tell the counselor what you think occurred at school that created the stress. Maybe the counselor can give you a ninth grade schedule and you can visit the school for a day or for a few hours.

    Ask the counselor how long it would take to withdraw and return to home schooling if you determined that school wasn't right for you. I've known people to withdraw the same week where I live.

  9. "However I'm the type of person who can't make friends unless I'm literally pushed upon other people, and I can't be pushed upon other people now because any groups, etc. I just drop out of eventually."

    Major red flag.

    As someone with an anxiety disorder, I want to point out that this statement is where your problem lies. You need to work  on staying with something you don't have to do and making friends because *that* is what the adult world looks like: adults don't have anyone making them stick with something...they have to do it on their own. You need some way to practice staying with something.

    Is high school a way to do this? Maybe. It's not my first pick because it has so many other issues as well as the fact that is not that similar to any situation that you might find in adult life, but it might work for you.

    But focus on finding something that you think will help you stretch your skills, but think baby steps (as my therapist always says). BTW, are you still in therapy? This (figuring out a good way to expand your horizons without overwhelming you) would be a good thing to talk about with your therapist. S/he probably knows you well enough to give you better advice.

  10. I really don't like public shool.  I vote home school all the way.

  11. I'm homeschooled, and based on all the stories I've heard from freinds about public school it sounds like a really crappy place.  and I learn alot more one on one with my mom and I have more ambitions.  Just like you.  If you feel better while your homeschooling, feel like you're learning more, and have more ambitons, that's great!  I'd totally stay homeschooled!  And with all the terrible things you tried to do to yourself when you were in public school and how you feel better now makes me think you are WAY better off homeschooled.  If you stayed homeschooling maybe you could end up becoming a great person.  Instead of commiting scucide.  Also there are all htese rumors about how people who are homeschooled don't get socailized.  THAT'S NOT TRUE!  Go to a club of something that you are interested in.  Get out of the house.  Do stuff you like.  And you'll make good friends!  It totally worked for me!  fiffteen kidas came to my birthday party last tyear!  And I only ever went to preschool!  SO, I don't think that you should go to public school.  HOME SCHOOL ROCKS!!!!!

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