
Should I go back to school?

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I have an Associates Degree and am thinking of going back for my Bachelors? I'm 39, married with 3 kids and work as a systems programmer for a major bank. Talk to me.




  1. if you are good at what you do, and you have a great programming portfolio you don't need a degree. I have a degree en IT and I barely know programming. now a days you don't need a degree to succeed. If you have a personal goal to finish that's a different story, it depends what your goal is. I have a friend who makes around 80k a year thanks to borders books(programming books)

  2. It's really up to you, also it depends on what you're looking for. Are you trying to earn more money? Or looking for a better job? I would take a few minute think about it if I were you..

  3. One thing I would think about first is are you happy with what you're doing right now? If I were you I wouldn't, because you're life sounds great already! But it's really about what you want to do. It's your decision.

  4. It is never too late to go back to school. I'm 55 and I'm going to college. I know a lot of people at my college older than myself. I didn't have the opportunity to go to college when I was young, now I do. I love it, it keeps me young. The young students are great. I love being around them they are so alive,  full of energy, and hope for the future. They are a lot of fun to be around, and they teach me a lot.

  5. I'm having the same dilemma.  I have a bachelors but am thinking about getting a masters.  I'm 38 with two kids and have a really good job (COO).  But it leaves me no options to change jobs because all other executive management positions advertised want masters level people...

    Catch 22 - keep the good job and not worry about the education or get the education just in case...

    I'll see if someone comes up with a good answer for you ;-)

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