
Should I go back to school to get a teaching degree even though I have a BA in Financial Economics?

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Is it worth it for me to go back to school as an undergrad to get a teaching degree? I want to be a math teacher and now have a BA in economics.




  1. I graduated with a BBA in Management. Afterwards, I joined an organization that places teachers in areas where other teachers do not want to teach. During those two years, I took certification classes and was able to earn my clear renewable license.

    Check into the state in which you want to teach. Often times, the larger cities will have programs that allow "alternative" certification. This means that you are hired to teach and are given a nonrenewable five year teaching license.

    Mind you, before they will hire you, you will need to pass the teaching tests for that particular state. Often times, the tests are not that difficult if you buy the study books. I passed both tests easily on my first try for the state of Georgia.

    Once hired, the system should also have a partnership with various nearby colleges where you can certification classes to obtain your clear renewable teaching license.

    It also depends on how many math courses you have taken on whether or not they will hire you for the math field. However, almost anyone with can get alternatively certified on the K-5 level. It is hard for middle and high school.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!

  2. You cannot teach in public school in the USA with out a certification for the state you want to teach in. You also must pass the exams the state mandates. You will probably have to have a certain amount of specific math hours to teach mathematics.

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