
Should I go for it or give up the idea of having another child?

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I am wanting 1 more child. My son is almost 8. I am 31 and my husband is 32. I have gone through phases the last 5 years of having another child but it's always just been a phase. I just don't know if this is another phase or if I should just go for it. It's past the point of having another sibling for my son to play with, since their so far apart. It would be more about growing our family then my son having a playmate.




  1. my husband has one sibling, a brother, who is 7 or 8 years younger, and they are closer than a lot of other grown sibs i have seen!

  2. i think definitely go for it!! another child would be an amazing addition to your family. if you want to have a child, do it. I'm 18 years old, have a 4 year old brother and my mom just had her 3rd child -a boy- on the 5th of july! and she's 37 years old. you definitely have nothing to lose, and dont worry about the age difference! me and my brothers are 15-18 years apart, and we have a wondeful family and get along great!

    best of luck to you!!

  3. If it's the age you're worried about 31 years old isn't into the danger zone! And if it's just because you think this may be a phase think about it this; if this is just a phase and you get pregnant will you love this baby any less? will it still bring happiness into your life?

    I think if you and your husband are on the same page right now then you should go for it!

    Good luck making you choice and lots of baby dust to you if that's what your decision requires!!

  4. It is always hard to make such a big decision like this.  Have you sat down and talked to your husband about how you are feeling?  Does he want more children?  Can you afford another right now?  Look at short term and long term, you are only 31 and your husband 32 but as we get older it can take long to conceive so if you decided not to have another and then in 5 years feel that yes you really would like another your chance may be over.  I think that you should do one of them pro's con's list and also talk with your husband, I am sure that you will figure out what you do or dont want with the help of your hubby.  Not only that but if he says he does not want more and you are really hurting by it and feel you really want one then you know your feeling is for real and that you should try to talk him into it.

  5. I think that even the fact that you have asked this question means that you are really more on the side of considering having another child than not.

    You should get started right away - not that age is against you, but it's actually easier to have your children when you are younger and more energetic, so rather don't put off what you may decide to do anyway once you hit forty and then find it may not be possible for you.

  6. My oldest brother and I are 8 years apart. During the early years, we didn't play too much together though because he thought he was too old to play with me and I was a girl!! But as we got older, we became very close. Now I think about if something happens to our parents then I will need that close family to help me through the tough times. I can't imagine ever being an only sibling. I wouldn't be the person that I today without that influence on my life. Talk to your husband and make sure it is something that he wants to do too. I'd say go for it!!! Good Luck;)

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