
Should I go get help or just keep it in a little longer?

by  |  earlier

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I’ve been keeping secrets for over 10 years. 10 years of living in sickness. I’m getting so sick. I’m sick of the way my life is, that boy who has put me in a mental condition is getting away with it [not any longer], my mom’s stroke problems getting worse, I am a piece of paper just laying there looking like I’m in a perfect shape & in the inside, I’m struggling for help with patience & my muscles aching from extreme stress & being in total agony. Why the **** should I be the one living like this? I may look like some preppy, average girl all friendly [I’m not bubbly though] & sweet who loves spending time with friends but in the inside & if you dig up a hole inside me, you’ll see ******* h**l! Last time, I let dad go. No, I’m not typing the whole situation on some public website. I’m just afraid because I’m in constant emotional, mental, & physical pain here & if I do reach for help, tick tock tick tock a BOMB just explodes! I collapse. I’m pretty sure mom will turn into a vegetable. If I just like this, I’m probably going to be some psycho depending on delusions or with extreme post-traumatic stress disorder. I can’t even go to therapy or go to the psychiatrist. Why? Because dad will constantly complain & complain until I just start crying & screaming. Do what he complains about? Money. What am I wasting money if we can save the money & go on a vacation? Yeah, I’m some lucky girl. I bet if I tell the police again, they’re going to be like, “Quit wasting our time kid.” What the **** can I do? I’m extremely worried & stressed out over everything.




  1. prof has some terrific points! he has given you many choices in what a teen could do in the situation.

    you have alot built up and i am worried for you, honestly. i can tell that u're extremely stressed out bc of ur mom's health, bc of ur family financial stress and all these stress are causing u physical distress as well as mental distress... !

    Please please be selfish for once and go seek for help!!! you do not need to live like this! you don't deserve it!! please consider seeing ur school councellor if u're still a student! or ask a non profit group to refer u to a therapist if money is a huge issue!!! u need to take time off for ur sake! tell ur bf about this and get support from him, talk to ur trusted frds so u'll get support from them! tell a trusted teacher so that he/she can offer you help!!

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT ALL IN ANYMORE!!! go find help because your life is precious!!!!!

  2. We all have our problems. It's just how you deal with it. If it's serious go to the police. It seems like this stress is apparently causing a physical and mental problem you need to go to the hospital. You need help.  

  3. If you are a student, teachers are mandated by law to come to your rescue.NO one need to live in fear. You need to go to your school counselor and address your concerns. There is also a teen hot line that you can contact help. You can also see your priest. You can make an appointment with your Dr. and address the issue. If you have a family member that is very trustworthy, talk with that person. You do not need to walk around getting ready to blow like a pressure cooker. At a last resort, go to social services and vocalize your concerns.

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