
Should I go in for a check up??

by Guest63678  |  earlier

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About a month ago I moved from FL to IL. My boyfriend the father of the baby stayed in florida. I found out he was using drugs so I moved to IL and I told him to stop using drugs and than he can move here and I would wait for him. Well I found on Monday from his mother that he had killed himself. With everything going on I didn't know if I should go to the doctor to just make sure everything is ok with the baby. I have a heart doppler so I check it a few times a day everything seems ok. My next appointment isnt until Sept 2 when I will be 19 weeks. So do you think I should go for a checkup or everything will be ok with the baby?




  1. I'm so sorry for your loss.  I really think you are okay and there's not too much they can detect at this point if you're not. However, there's no reason you can't call your doctor and tell him/her that you are going through a lot of extra stress and you want to be checked out to be sure.  

    In the meantime get lots of rest and make sure you're eating.  I'm sure your baby is fine - they are amazingly resilient when the time is right for them. :)

    I was just about 17 weeks this time around when I landed in the ER and had to have emergency abdominal surgery.  I felt like there was no way a baby could survive with all that physical and emotional stress, but here I am, 27 weeks pregnant with everything checking out normal.  

  2. When was your last appointment?

  3. yes get checked out

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