
Should I go into teaching?! I need major help!!!

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I am going to be a sophmore this coming school year and my major is middle childhood education with concentrations in math and english. I live in ohio and would like to stay here to teach. I don't want to move!! but i know there are very limited postions in ohio. For those of you who aren't familiar with how ohio splits grades up, middle childhood would licence me for grades 4-8. however, i want nothing to do with 7-8. i don't even want to teach 6th but i will if i have too. 4th is the ideal grade i want. I would be thinking of changing my major to early childhood with certifies you for grades pre-k-3 but it is extra hard to find jobs!! Since teaching positions are very hard to find in ohio and the pay isn't the greatest, should I just change my major?? I am very good in math so I have been considering a field in accounting or auditing...something in business. I enjoy children.....sometimes they do get under my skin, but what i like about teaching is how you interact with children and don't sit at a desk all day dealing with paperwork. But if i go in business i will be more likely to find a job and it will pay much better. What do you think I should do?? If you are a teacher, please tell me your stories. and if your a teacher in ohio, was it hard for you to find a job??? Thank You....i know this was long, sorry!! i'm just paranoid about what career I will choose...its a major decesion that will affect my life forever!!




  1. Dont be sorry about your concerns. I'm studying music education and that wasn't my major when I started college. If you like children, that's all you need to know. There are courses where the classes can teach how to teach children and make it fun. And if education is not demanding in ohio, come to NY or NJ. They need teachers here and they pay very very well.

  2. You have made a good choice in your concentration areas, especially the math!  As for not wanting the deal with the paperwork, however, you need to realize that there are tons of paperwork involved with teaching--attendance, progress reports, homework assignments, lesson plans, i.e.p.'s, etc., etc.  Yes, you interact with the children, but that isn't all that's involved.  As for the kids getting under your skin, no big deal unless you totally lose it and scream or throw things! Kids get under everyone's skin sometimes!! A job in business would probably pay more but...........  You really have to decide if you WANT to teach--it can be tough at times but also rewarding!  I got my teaching degree, taught for a short time and yes, it was tough but also good--I loved the kids, even the ones that drove me crazy LOL  However, the paperwork seemed overwhelming (grading papers mostly). Also, there were a lot of politics and very little support from the administration. But, that was in a bad school--not all schools are that way--this one was in poverty area, almost no books, extremely large special education population, failing school.  Ultimately, no job of any sort is great all the time--you have to decide what is right for you. Good luck!  

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