
Should I go on this roller coaster?

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Okay so my school is going to Darien Lake and I was wondering should I ride the ride of steel (the superman).

I looked it up online and it has a max speed of 74 mph which doesn't sound to bad (I've done that in a car)

and it has no upside downs (the main deterant for roller coaster for me) but the main thing that freaks me out is seeing the huge drop! I saw it on you tube and it looked steep! now honestly I think I'll be okay but I've never ridden a big coaster before, so should I ride it?

BTW I've ridden all of the water rides at the park...




  1. i've personally never walked off a coaster( being scared before riding) and said, "wow i hated that ride" i think it'll be fine, just try it :)

  2. Have fun a ride it. =]

  3. Pros: You enjoy yourself, get really freaked out with your friends and have something to talk about, have a cool picture of yourself on a scary (as seen on you tube) rollercoaster

    Cons: You will be scared like crazy (but enjoying it), you might p**p your drawers (unlikely), you might enjoy it too much and then do hard drugs for thrills (not likely)

    Bottom line....You're psyched!!!

  4. I would go on because I have been on the ride and I had a blast. Just make sure that you feel fine before it and you didnt eat tons of food and you will be fine. On the steep drop I just closed my eyes.

  5. well i rode goliath at six flags and like it has really steep drops. its scary but just think you will regret it if you dont and it will be over in like 3 minutes. i think it will be awesome and you will scream your head off!! hope you have fun

  6. i would that sound really fun close your eyes if you feal really scared or sit beside a really good friend

  7. Live Life. It has  a very small chance of making anything bad happen to you.

  8. do it, worst case scenario, you throw up, is it worth missing a new experience because of fear, you would only be denying your self experience. all the rides are tested daily and are safe(unless your very very fat, one guy fell out because he was too fat, it happened at six flags new england near my home town) but one should never live in fear, fear exists to be conquered

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