
Should I go or not ? Six Flags ?

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It's my BF birthday Is this weekend and one of the activies that he wants to do is go to Six Flags. Well I am scard of roller coasters : ( but alot of are friends are going. I duno whats to do. Should i go or not. I think i can walk around and play games and go on the water rides ........ But I've never been there so i duno what to expect. So if you have been there can you give me some advice or maybe tell me which coasters u think aren't that bad ....

THANK YOU : ) thpnk1




  1. Just go and have fun. Roller coasters have some pretty long lines though. But if you go there, you should have a oretty good time.

  2. Go ! Just say to him."to tell you the truth i don't like rollercosters but please go on them without me"

    i dont like them that much eaither, water rides are fun. I go to 6 flags all the time. the one in Darien.

  3. You should DEFINATTLY go there. :D

    you should conquer your fears. plus amusment parks are sooo fun. im sure you will love it. so give it a try =)

  4. Go! It's your boyfriend's birthday! (or was that best friend?) Anyways, go! They'll be sad if you don't. I'd be sad if my boyfriend or best friend didn't go to my party just because of their petty fears


  5. you should ride a roller coaster and face your fears go on a smaller one first then go bigger if you like it!  The roller coasters there are pretty much the same!

  6. Well if you don't wanna waste money then don't go because they pretty much have big, scary, fast rides.  They do have some smaller and less-dangerous looking rides though lol. Uhh Colossus and Batman aren't that bad. Actually, none of the rides in Gotham City are really bad.  Uhh neither are the water rides.  And then they always have the typical small rides like the swings, carousel, dragon swing, the kind of rides you'd find at a pier.  

  7. of course you should go. it would be really fun!! im not a big fan of roller coaster either and no one can get me on it no matter what they say. you dont have to go on the roller coasters, just go on the rides you will feel comfortable. i went on skull mountain which wasnt bad. i dont think dark night (inside roller coaster was bad).  good luck. have fun.

  8. Dude just go on the roller coasters because they are fun as scat.

    Don't be afraid because you are more likely to die in your bathtub than on a roller coaster!!

    Which Six Flags are you going to?

  9. HOW OLD ARE YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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