
Should I go or not go?

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I have a flight that leaves today to another country, Egypt. I'm 27 and living with my family in Canada, but I've been really depressed here for the past 8 months especially at night time. When I go to Egypt, where I'm orginally from I find that I feel better cause I have more things to see and do. My family doesn't want me to go alone cause they're worried about me. Also I'm still single and very hard to find someone here. What do you think should I go or not? I really hesitated and afraid if I go there I will feel guilty. Thanks.




  1. i think you should go. youre happier there, youre 27 and can take care of yourself. and if you cant find anyone here maybe you can meet them there. but if you have a gut feeling telling you to stay, then stay. they always mean something...

    if you go and wanna come back then just come back...

  2. Do what you feel right, no-one knows what You want to do!


  3. your family obviously want whats best for you. So theres no reason to feel guilty for doing what you feel is best for you. if that helps you they will understand. After all it is something you are doing for yourself and undoubtedly you know what you feel like doing

  4. You should GO! Anyway, why are you in Canada (If you don't mind)?

    Well, you should go with your happiness. If you are depressed in Canada, then leave. Unless, you have something extremely important business in Canada that prevents you from leaving...

  5. Go. You need to be where you are comfortable and happy.

  6. You must do what you´re thinking is good. But go!  :D

  7. Definitely GO! you've nothing to loose. Just take care there and keep away from those bad neighbourhoods that most cities have. Have a good time!

  8. go for the experience and the chance to get away. as far as being single just show people your real selfa nd guys will find you to be beautiful
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