
Should I go or not?

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My friend's birthday us today, and she's hvaing a bunch of people over for cake, and then we're driving to an amusement park. My best friend was also invited, but she has a doctors appointment so she can only go to the girls house. My friend's friends are kind of snotty people. I mean, I'll get along with them, I always get along with everyone, but I don't think I'll like them. They're kind of snotty and obnoxious, and I'm laid back. Should I go? Or do you think I'll have a bad time?





  2. i thin you should go! who cares about her friends your supposed to be going to spend time with the birthday girl!

  3. just go to your friend's house with your best friend and then ditch the snooty people when she leaves.

  4. You should go to your friends house and ask your friend to meet you at the amusement park once her doctors appointment is over

  5. Go! =) Its an amusement park for cryin out loud!! stay with the birthday girl and stay sort-of-but-not-really away from the snotty people

  6. If you have a negative state of mind then your more likely then not, to have a horrible time. This is because you will be seeking out the negative in everything.

    If I were you, i would go and enjoy myself. Just dont get too caught up in the girls antics too badly, but dont be shy or make yourself seem anti-social.

    have fun. :)

  7. I think you should for your friend.Ignore them girls.If you feel like you really dont wanna be there,than just hangout for an 1 and a half.

  8. sure!as long as there's cake!

  9. Why not just go and celebrate with your friend? You're going to celebrate the event. Or maybe you could leave after the cake, and avoid the amusement park since you're probably going to spend most of the time over there, and mixing with them wouldn't be real pleasant for you.

    Or since you get along with them, why not just go for it? After all, it's not as if they ostracize you and leave you out of everything. And they certainly wouldn't dare to do that in front of your friend since it's her birthday (or at least I assume so). But yeah, choice is up to you: Whether you can stand being in their presence for such a long time. If not, going to celebrate with cake would definitely be more than enough. (:

  10. you should go bring a slice of cake to your friend that has the doctors appointment.

  11. Stick around the people you do like, avoid the ones you don't. And if you have to be with them just be nice and stay cool!

  12. well if she is a friend you should go!  you don't have to stay the hole time say something else came up but you thought you would dropp off the card/and or gift and stay a bit and then take off! that way you can get the feel of the peeps and if you want to bail you can!

  13. I think you should go, I mean after all, she is a good friend of yours right? If she has snotty friends, just ignore them, i mean its not  like you have to live with them! Just try and stay on a neutral topic when talking with them, like whats there favorite school subject, or whats there favorite sport, try to get to know them! Hope that helps!

  14. i wouldnt.

  15. If you don't act like they do and you will fell uncomfortable being with them all day, then stay true to yourself make up an excuse, stay true to yourself and follow ur friend to the docotrs to cheer her up since she could not go.  Also ressess whom you choose as friends and decide if you still wanna hang with them all the time, or rather with people more like yourself with similar views and stuff.

  16. should

  17. There are going to be times in life where you have to deal with people that you don't like. You might as well just go.

  18. i think, you should go....!!!

  19. go youll regret it if u dnt

    other wise if u cant choose flip a coin hahaha

    or eeny meeny miny no

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