
Should I go see a doctor or wait it out?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been getting these really big itching red marks all over my body for the pass two weeks. Ive put on itching cream but they still itch.

I know something isn't biting me or else everyone in the house would be getting them.

So should i go to a doctor or what??




  1. pimplez

  2. ye b go to the doctor  

  3. docs

  4.'ve waited 2 weeks...why hurry...enjoy!!

  5. it couldnt hurt to see a doctor

  6. See a doctor asap!! it might get worse or become harder to control over time..

  7. i think you should go to a doctor

  8. if its been there for 2 weeks then u should go to the doctor

  9. STD maybe?

  10. Yea you should make sure that itz not infected u know  

  11. Chicken Pox?

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