
Should I go sit with him?

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Ok, so i like this guy in my English class. actually he's in my biology and geography classes 2. I started school a couple weeks ago, and im just meeting new friends. I sit with a group of girls at lunch, and one of them is also in my english class, and she sits near the guy that i kinda like. Should i go sit at their table? i could be with my friend and the guy i kinda like, but i hardly know either of them... help!




  1. Go for it. If you like him then it wouldn't hurt to get to know him a little bit.

    What could a little in-class-flirting harm? Aside from your grade, lol?

  2. Sure. Go sit with them and become their friend.

  3. Why not. You have everything to gain and nothing to loose!

    If you feel insecure or nervous about this, wait until a time when  your other friend isn't with the boy you are referring to. Then ask him if anyone is sitting there. and follow it up by saying would you mind if I sit here ?See what happens. Introduce yourself and mention, if you want, that you have seen him in a couple of your classes. good luck

  4. Yeah sure, why not? It wouldn't hurt.

  5. in today's day and age, i say just go up and talk to him.  every girl that has approached me has won me over.  takes a lot of guts, as a guy or a girl.  

  6. Just go for it you get to know both of them.

  7. You totally should! You can talk to your new friend and get to know her better, and you can be with the guy you like. :D  

  8. Just take a deep breathe, close your eyes, and fall into the chair gently. Just take a shot, and relax as you sit. Act as you usually do, and slowly get to know them more. I say go for it~

  9. Life is too short.  Go sit and mingle.  You will never know otherwise if a "connection" will take place.

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