
Should I go take the SAT tomorrow?!?

by Guest63963  |  earlier

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Ok so I didn't study for it AT ALL. I get fee waivers though so I can always take it next year without having to pay. I'm registered to take it tomorrow but I don't know if I should take it or not. BTW I'm planning to go to a state college.




  1. Sure! I've slacked before state tests and gotten 95% correct on them.

  2. Yes!  it's okay if you didn't study, you might do well anyway if you've generally done well in school and are a good test taker...and even if you don't do well this time, most people improve their scores each time they retake it will give you a jumpstart for next time, make you familiar with the test, it will be less intimidating next time, etc.

  3. no you will have to pay again if you dont get a descent score and a state college?????? you should aim higher

  4. Umm well i dont think you should take a test that you don't think youre ready to take. What year are you in?

  5. Yes!!!! Taking the test will only help you. Even if you do further your schooling, at least take your sats. you will do fine, you have studied for the last few years for the test you will be ok. Hay you get 600 points just for putting your name on the paper. good luck Not that you need or anything .

  6. You'll never feel ready to  take this test.  This is apart of growing up. You should have been prepared for this.  If you decide to take it you should go to sleep right now.  You'll need to be at your best tomorrow. Eat breakfast. STUDY your heart out on parts that may be confusing to you. You might surprise yourself. I wasn't prepared for mine, but I was shocked at how well I did, but at the same time if I had studied I could of did much better.

  7. If you have a fee waiver for this year as well, go ahead and give it a try.  If you can take it again next year then you'll have had the experience and know what you need to study for next time.

  8. LOLOL at Mike A's comment. He's right, though. I also believe you should not take it. Take summer classes or study hard during the summer and take it in october! You will do much better than if you take it tomorrow without studying. Some people can just take the SAT's and get a high score w/o any preparation, but it is better to study vocab, practice writing essays maybe, and improve math skills etc...yay. You might be planning to go to a state college, but think about it more and try to reach higher! Well, if you are going to a CAL state, that is pretty ok actually (ie. Fulleron or Pomona).

    Well good luck with whatever you choose to do! =D

  9. Even i didn't prepare for the may SAT but registered for it. I paid 20$ and postponed my test to June 7 which is tomorrow. So if you are pretty familiar with the SATs and it is your first time then you can go ahead and take it. But if you are not sure and want to get a good score then postpone your test to the next date. You don't want to waste a chance simply if you are not sure. So decide fast and take a choice. Good Luck

  10. Not if you are staying up this late.  You will probably be very tired.  Next time, study.  There are plenty of study aids available at your local bookstore.

  11. honestly, its a good idea to go ahead and take it

    you can always take it again, and you might surprise yourself

    plus, you cant really study, other than take practice questions; which if you haven't done yet, you're not likely to do

    also, when you get your score back, if you decide to retake it, you know what area to focus on so you dont have to practice on all the areas of questions

  12. No

  13. A qualified no, depending what time zone you are in.  If you live on the East Coast, no because you will not get enough sleep.  If you live in the central time zone maybe if you go to bed soon.  If you are in the mountain or west coast  time zones and go to bed soon, try it.

  14. I would go if I were you. Even though you didn't study for it. You still get the experience out of it and sometimes for SAT they take some questions from the previous ones. So study hard for next year and with the experience you have for this year, you are gonna do great.

  15. Sure, go've got nothing to lose.( only 4-5 hrs!)

    hmmm..state college?...yah, just dont even need to study.

    good luck!

  16. well i would suggest that you dont take it tomorrow simply because you didnt study & you wont be prepared. Just wait & take it next year. Try to take it as soon as you go back to school like in october so you can get it out of the way.


  17. Take it and see how you do. When you get your results you will also get a sheet showing your weaknesses, so you can use that to study for next time. It cant hurt to try tomorrow. Good luck!

  18. nope i wouldnt

  19. The SAT is a test that you REALLY must study for in order to get an amazing grade to get into any good college. But if you can take it again free of charge, then there's no harm in taking it tomorrow, at least that way you can see some of the types of questions they ask. Good Luck!!!

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