My cousin's ex-girlfriend (I've known her for a long time and she looked after me when I lived with her and my cousin/family) gave me an option for me to live with her in Canada. I've recently been having problems at home with my brothers forceful aggression and i'm fining it hard to cope with it all... My dad is just as threatening and is also just as violent. Lucky for me, my mum is saint however she will not take much action against him - the police are involved in this.
I have recently received my GCSE results and I passed with almost all of the subjects, however, I was planning on taking Biology for A-levels as I generally have an interest for it. I gained a C and I needed a B, I really did try but timings let me down once again. Me and a family friend of mine tried to push for it but speaking to the deputy head personally however he wouldn't negotiate. My school doesn't really offer the subjects that I would like to do... Canada has many opportunities for me in having an education that i'm passionate about. I love Biology and knowing that I can't do it for an A-level is really disappointing.
However, although she's said that she would look after me... the grass always looks green. I can't expect her to take full care of me... but I'm so tempted! she's such a lovely person and treats me as a sister. My dads family also live there... Should I take the risk and go? What is the education like in canada? will it be like A-levels?