
Should I go to London this summer alone?

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I'm a 21 year old college student who has never been overseas. I had been planning on going to London this summer to do research for my Honors thesis. This research will be very time intensive, involving interviews and case studies, which I'd have to write reports on for my thesis director. But I don't have anybody else to go with me. If I wasn't doing so much work, I'd have a lot more free time to meet new people and travel, but I'm afraid that I'll be really lonely if I go alone or without meeting up with anyone. I really want to go to Ibiza and Glastonbury, and I could probably find the time, but I think I'd probably be going to them alone.

Some more facts:

I don't have a thesis director yet.

I would have to get $4K for the trip from my grandmother, to whom I already owe $6K.

I've got a job on campus that I could make money at.

My lease is up in May and though I've got a lot of friends in the area, I haven't talked to them about crashing at their places.




  1. Yes! Dude life is so short to wait on an opportunity like that! I just got back from London. Get on Myspace and meet some girls. Say in a hostel, with 10 or 15 beds and you will meet people to go out and party with.  Public transportation is GREAT in London. Before you look up the Subway guide and learn that. If your going for about a week get the oyster card for a weeks worth of transport. London is expensive, but you will have fun! Does that help?

  2. I hit England and France alone after graduation. It was one of the best vacations I have ever had. Just remember how weak the dollar is now, prepare to spend a fortune!

  3. yes go people will take you under their wing

  4. if you don't want to go alone can i come with you lol really though a trip like that might be more fun if you took a friend with you. if you took some one you could split the bill and that way it would save you both some money. anyway good luck too you.

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