
Should I go to Majorca in October?

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Hi everyone. I have found the perfect holiday and i can only go in the October half term. The trouble is i have heard that the weather in Majorca is bad at this time. Should i take the risk and book it anyway?




  1. Majorca is good at any time of the year and don't worry about the weather - worry more about which part of Majorca you are planning on going to.  But that, I suppose, depends on what you want to do when you get there.

    h**l, we went to Lanzarote and had a tropical storm - and before when to the Sunshine Coast of Australia for a month and got half a metre of rain!

    Don't worry about the weather - what will be will be -and you just have to find something else to do if the weather isn't doing what you would like it to do.

    Go with an open mind and you will enjoy the holiday!

  2. The weather is sometimes good at this time of the year and even if it is bad Majorca is still hot and a lot of fun so book it

  3. I've had a fortnight in Ibiza in October and it was still great weather.  Lots of sunshine, temperatures in the mid-20s and still able to swim in the Med.  I'd reckon that the other Balearic islands would be the same.

    Go for it!

  4. The weather may not be great, but it will definately be better than it is here so why not take a chance, saying that I have been on holiday to Northern mainland Spain in October before and we had 2 weeks of non-stop sunbathing weather so you never know.

  5. You should follow your heart. But as for my opinion, just go and enjoy yourself girl..........Don't mess up your holiday like that

  6. Why not? travelling is what you make it.

  7. Yes, you should. Go. It's not true. I'm living near Majorca and the weather is not bad. You can go with any trouble, don't worry. And you have not got travels or holidays every day, do you?

  8. Majorca is great! but better in the summer the weather wouldnt be te best tho

    u shud go to Gran Canaria the weather is great all year around, the beaches and the night life are brilliant too!

  9. Could be chilly.   If it's good weather you want then you should go to the Canary Islands (not Tenerife though too many British bars and restaurants)

  10. Why not?You only live once.

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