
Should I go to Public School this year or be Home schooled?

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This past year I was homeschooled, but all of the years before that I was in public school. Please help me decide what to do and what is best for me a.s.a.p. I am 14 and going in 8th grade, but when I was homeschooled last year, I got behind in math and english. What would be best? PLEASE no rude comments, I really appreciate any help. Thanks




  1. Why did you fall behind in Math and English? Was it a lack of materials? Was it lack of motivation? You could continue home school and hire a tutor for these two subjects, or you can talk to the local school or community college about enrolling for just those subjects.

    The other question is, do you miss public school? Friends, clubs, etc?

    If that is the case, then consider going back to public school.

  2. It depends on how your school system is.  If you lived in my city, I would tell you to go with homeschooling. You're behind in math and english, then maybe you should try public school to see how you do.

  3. Depends on how you feel. I personally think home schooling is a better option for teens. I went to public high school and was home schooled and I found that in public school most days the teacher just throws a pointless worksheet at you and calls it a day. No one can possibly justify how a non-subject related word search helps you learn history or science.

    If you are a self starter and can keep focused, be home schooled. Home schooling has come so far and you can join local home school group and go on really cool field trips every month. Also when you apply for overseas exchange student programs it is much easier to get in to the program when you are home schooled.

  4. For everyone that says you need to go to public school to be socialized, may I please remind you that teachers always tell students that  they aren't in school to socialize; they're in school to learn.

    Home schooled children are generally ahead (and often far ahead) of their peers academically.  There is more individualized attention, and more opportunity for enrichment in favorite subjects.  However, homeschooling is only going to be successful if the parent and student are both committed to education.  

    If you do choose to be homeschooled, there is no need to be isolated and lack social interaction with your peers.  Surely you have plenty of friends from your years in public school whom you can socialize with outside of school.  Join a church youth group.  Find a sport you enjoy and join a team.  Hang out at the YMCA.  Volunteer your time in some way.  There are plenty of social opportunities available to you!

  5. Well if you aren't comfortable making the transition, then just stick with home school. But if you get behind or you think that you need an extra push in learning then try sylvan, and if you think that sylvan is for stupid people then you are wrong because my pastor had all of his kids go to sylvan even though they were all SO smart. But it helped them become more excellent in the real world.  Two of those three are now acceleration on into ministry and the other is just now graduating high school. But she graduated with Honors and everything, well they all did. But yeah, tthat'swhat I would do.

  6. I think homeschooling would be best as long as your folks support that. It will give you the opportunity to work on the skills you're behind in at your own pace. But ultimately this has to be a decision that you make with your parents. Write out your goals and go over them with your mom and dad, then decide which option would be best for your particular needs.

  7. public school! you need to get social skills and it is a lot better because you will be more prepared for college. you will not get behind and you will have set days for holidays.

    good luck and hope this helps!!!

  8. Oh my goodness, I really didn't think that anyone with a choice would pick homeschooling or even have a hard time deciding?

    Definitely public school.  

  9. I think you should go to public school. It'll help with your socal skills and might bring up back up in math and E.L.A.

  10. if you got behind homeschooling last year please go back to public school can always change later, but these are the best

    socializing years you have and you should enjoy them daily with your friends

  11. I definitely believe you should go to public school!!  

  12. i would go to public school. you get better social skills.

    just try extra hard in school.

    Best of Luck :]

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