
Should I go to Switzerland or Jamaica??

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My family just got their passports yesterday and we want to go somewhere.The reason we want to go to Switzerland is because most of our family lives there.But we want to go to Jamaica because we all just want a break.My mom and dad said its up to me to choose where I want to go.So where do you think it would be better to go because I have no idea!!




  1. switzerland.......jamaica has one of the highest crime rates in the world.....and switzerland is more mod...

  2. Which do you prefer? Summer or Winter?

    Switzerland exceeds Jamaica with its snowy mountains for skiing, and the Alpen Mountain... You can have fun with your distant relatives doing Wintery Stuff... ^^

    Jamaica, on the other hand, has its beaches and tropical senses... Just like in any ordinary summer getaways.. You can get a tan, swim, and so on...

    If I were you, I'd rather go to Switzerland, why? First of all, I hate tan.. I will get them - a lot - once I'm back in Indonesia next year... Also, Switzerland is close to where I'm living currently - Europe, cheaper.. And also, once I end up in Indonesia, it'd cost a LOT of money to just have a snowball fight, and it'd be just a dream to rake those leaves in autumn...

    But I bet you'd rather Jamaica, ^^ Americans, Europeans, and White people love to get a tan, while we, people with natural tan would like to get lighter and snowy white skin... ^^ It's a human nature for someone wanting to be different from others around you, to get sort of the attention and stuff like that,

    So, it depends, but for people with lighter skin, Jamaica sounds great, ^^

    I'm not being racist by the way, this is a fact that I'm stating..

  3. I have the pros and cons of both maybe that would help you choose.

    Pros of Switzerland: history, con your parents into getting you a Swiss watch, family.

    Cons of Switzerland: no beach, you might be dragged along to things that you don't want to do.

    Pros of Jamaica: culture, beach, relaxation, SUN.

    Cons of Jamaica: I can think of only one that you are not going to see your family only some people you don't know.

    How about invite your family from Switzerland to go with you to Jamaica?

  4. Your choice.

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