
Should I go to a boarding school?wat should i do?should i stay home or keep asking my mom to go?

by Guest66957  |  earlier

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I hate my school and i hate my home life and i'm so distrated at home so i can't do my homeowrk and then i go to school and i'm so worried about what i have to do at home that i can't think in school.My mom is not like ur typical mom she's belizean and she is really strict and when i tell her my school is getting on my nerve she say"my school in belize was harder and i pulled through it"(her school was kind of like a british school well it had really hard british academics).But it's not my fault that i'm bugging her to go to a boarding school she brought it up.When i had got in trouble at school she told my dean of students to find her a list of boarding school or military school that i could go to.So when she told my dean that i decieded to do the searching for her and there was a school called wayland that i like and i finished the application process but my mom dosen't know until about 1 month ago when the school called when i wasn't she didn't say anything to me about it.




  1. Well if you want to try it, why not? If you don't want to do it, you can quit after a term (or however long your mum has paid for it.)

  2. no boarding school is horrible you will miss your life if you go

  3. if you sit down with your mom and talk to her and present in an adult manner the reasons why you want to go she may be more willing to listen to you. dont be accusatory or place blame on your old school etc. you do need to realize that leaving will not be a magic fix, and you will have to work hard at boarding school to make it work. Good Luck!

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