
Should I go to a doctor about my suicide risk before college?

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Medically, I'm at risk for suicide. My dad attempted suicide. Alot of males in my family have attempted and committed suicide. I have alot of suicidal thoughts in times of trouble. I've heard of people who are a rik for suicide going suicidaldue to the stress of college. Should I just get screened to make sure I don't have depression. Would I be weird.




  1. No, you would not be weird for talking to your family doctor about this.

    I can not say if you are at risk or not for suicide but your doctor can tell you. I pray you will call and make an appointment soon.

    God Bless and I will Pray for you

  2. talk to someone that you can share your feelings and thoughts with. because if you don't, you will keep that in yourself and think of committing suicide because the feelings you have are already uncontrollable. hope i helped you. always be happy.  

  3. your just paranoid seen as many other men in your family have attempted and committed suicide, its not something that runs in your jeans, its just you getting the idea.

    but if you feel like your going to do it then get a shrink or someone to talk to and then you may feel less like it.

    All the people that i have gone to college with have never committed suicide!  

  4. no don't go to a doctor, last year i had a failed suicide attempt but didn't tell anyone. what can a doctor do huh? put u on some medication or something.... i think most people get suicidal thoughts sometimes - i know i still do. but this is a problem you will have to get over yourself.

    good luck x

  5. y not definetly go b4 college. becoz wen u start it will be harder 2 go anyway.

  6. holy sh*t no you wouldn't be weird.

    it sounds like a great idea- h**l, everyone that's going to college ought to have it done :)

    college is a time when alot of people's personalities get.. intensified. suddenly you're in a new place without things that used to stabilize your life. this makes it easier for things to get away from you, like tendencies.

    that make sense?

    just knowing the problem is there helps. being ready to handle it is even better.

    i think your talking to someone is a great plan

    good luck- college is alot of fun too

  7. you should talk to someone, even if your thoughts are out of curiosity.  

  8. i strongly suggest you go to a doctor. and no it won't be weird it would be smart to do so. :)

  9. If you feel depressed, then talk to someone about it. However, if you don't usually have suicidal thoughts, then it's probably not worth looking into.

  10. you should get screened if this thought ever crosses your mind. i had been this way for years and htought i didnt need help tilll the day i ended up in the hospital from an overdose

  11. Man, if suicide runs in the family. Nobody would think that your weird for looking into it

  12. I would recommend seeing a Doctor / Campus PR When you get there to inform them of your situation. Make contacts with people who can help you if you DO start to feel suicidal even if you arent feeling that way right now. It never hurts to have a network of "safety" people / friends. College is often stressful and can trigger those feelings or thoughts. A little preemptive planning wouldnt hurt.  

  13. do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do itdo it do it do it do it do it do it do it do  do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it dodo it do it do it do it do it do it do it do  it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do  

  14. if you have any concerns a doctor can help with you should go to a doctor.  They will understand.  Just make sure they know you aren't currently suicidal, so they don't put you on suicide watch or something.  Just let the doctor know what your family history is and see if there is something they can do to help.

  15. Yes, you should.

    Don't commit suicide, you'll regret it in the afterlife.

  16. If family members have been suicidal, then its possible that depression runs in the family, and you would not be considered weird if you went in and talked to your doctor about it. College can be stressful so it would be wise to see someone before you start. Good luck!

  17. If you're worried about it... it means you still care.  As long as you care about living you won't kill yourself... Start worrying when you stop caring.  BUt having someone to talk to is really nice.

  18. go doctor and they will probly put you on anti depressants  

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