
Should I go to a funeral if I feel I may be shot?

by Guest32622  |  earlier

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I feel its more like my funeral.




  1. go pay your respects

  2. If you get shot, at least there will be witness's.  Pay your respects and grit your teeth.

  3. If it's someone really important to you i'd go anyway. But i'd be careful also. If it was someone important i know i'd regret it for the rest of my life. But it may be different for you. ^^; sorry that i wasn't able to help much.

  4. mAN! don't look back...

  5. Then don't go.  Unless you wil ofend dangerous people by not going.

  6. If you don't mind being shot, go for it!

  7. if you feel like your own life might be in danger going to pay respects,i wouldn't go.send flowers and your condolences!

  8. yes, and dance on the grave

  9. no dont go i would not,

  10. Dont go. If you do, make sure to bring the police.

  11. If you feel that your life would be in danger, then most certainly do not go.

  12. Your deciding factor should be, "can I handle the worse that can happen?"

  13. You don't say WHY you think that you might be shot at this funeral, but if you want to let fear run your life, then by all means stay home.  On the other hand, if someone is determined to shoot you, he is going to do so no matter whether you go to the funeral or not.

    If you have good reason to suspect that you will be shot, go to the police.  Then ask the police to go to the funeral with you.  They will.

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