
Should I go to a party if I was invited the day before?

by  |  earlier

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One of my friends has been handing out invites weeks ago, and she just called me to ask me if I could go. Should I go?




  1. yes.

  2. hold up! why wouldnt you go?

    If your invited then they want you to come so GO.

  3. I have a lot of foolish pride so I would not go, but you do what you feel.

  4. Unless she has a good explanation, such as "I just found your invitation in my bag, I am sorry"I would plead a prior engagement. Your own company is better than that of someone who is using you as a fill-in because one of her A list can't go.

    I would take myself to dinner and/or the movies, dress up and have a great time!

  5. Yes..of course you should does not matter when you got the invite got one so go and have a wonderful time !  

  6. Whenever I get a last-minute invite, it sounds to me like the person didn't get as many RSVP's as they would have liked, so now they are calling in whoever they can find to fill out their event. I never go anywhere that I have been B-listed.

  7. Do you recall the Bible parables about the Prodigal Son or the Wedding guests?  It's similar...

    Who cares WHEN the invitation is extended.... if you are able to go, and you want to go, then... GO!!!

    If you are worried about a GIFT on such short notice, DON'T worry.  You can always give a gift at a later date and simply say, "Here's your birthday present!  Sorry it's late!"

    Have a polite day.

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