
Should I go to a party tonight where my newly ex will also be?

by  |  earlier

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We just broke up this morning and tonight there will be a huge party and all out friends will be there, Should I not go and let him handle the questions about me? Where is Lz?




  1. If you were really looking forward to going, then go.  You don't say if you were married or not or how long you were together.  Not that it matters all that much, but if I were in the situation, I would probably decline the invitation because I wouldn't be ready to see him in a social situation.  It is too new.  Unless you told all your friends already, no one will know you two are broken up yet except for very close friends.  Are you sure you can't work things out?  Can you handle it if he's there with someone else already?  Do what is best for you and don't worry about what people say and think, you can't control that anyway.

  2. No, you should go. Why would you not?  

  3. No no!!  You must go!  Forget awkward questions - this is a party. You have an invite - so go out and enjoy yourself.

  4. I think the best thing to do is to do what YOU want. If you want to go to the party, have at it. It may, at first, be a little awkward to be there. But, if people are getting too nosy, just tell them that you'd rather not talk about it, you're there to have a good time! If they're your friends, they'll understand that you'll explain what happened when YOU want, not them!

  5. yes go...just ignore the ex

  6. If I was really looking forward to it and had another friend to go with I would go. Just be sure not to make a scene and ruin the party with your fight. You did just break up so I'm sure there will be tension in the air. If he tries to talk to you just let him know you are not intersted and you do not want to spoil the party. Leave early if you feel too tense.  

  7. My advice is to avoid him & the party like the plague.  It will only dredge up fresh (as opposed to the old) bad feelings.   Give yourself time to heal & stay away.  

  8. Go, don't let him stop your joy.  

  9. No. Time to start your own life away from him ..thats why he is an ex.

    Go out somewhere else.. Your ex will spend the entire time..hopeing you will be there...watching the will totally ruin your ex's night...and your out having a blast and not thinking abouty our ex...LOL!

  10. go it's just a party.

    plus if your ex knows that you were invited and didn't show up then she'll think your a coward.

    so just go.

  11. If you let him answer the questions, they'll only get HIS side.

    Go. look good. and only take questions for a short time.

    then have fun :D

  12. Do what you want. But look good doing it. Make him regret you're his ex!

  13. If you feel like going then go for it.. but the choice is up to you. Don't feel obligated OR scared off to go.  

  14. I would go and hold my head high.  

  15. find another hot guy to go with and go

  16. Unless you're feeling very uncomfortable by seeing him well just go and have fun with your friends then. Pretend that he's not there ;p

  17. Just be yourself, and be truthful if someone asks.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.....unless u were the one that caused the break up.

  18. no you should go and have a great time! don't worry about the questions just go and act like nothing is bothering you and make sure he sees you do thins then it will really get him upset! make him regret loseing you.

  19. Don't let your break up change your life if you want to go to the party go. If you don't want to go then don't. Don't let it make you feel uncomfortable, have a good time, if he feels unconfortable that is his problem.  

  20. Ok, I'm not trying to be insensitive, but if you just broke up this morning and your biggest concern is whether or not to go to a PARTY, I have to wonder how much you actually cared about him (or the relationship) in the first place. Most people who are in serious relationships that end need time to grieve the loss of the relationship. Their first instinct usually isn't to go to a party. If you cared so little about him, you might as well go to the party.

  21. Go and start flirting with other men. Then go home with one of them. That will get his attention

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