
Should I go to a public, private school, or be homeschooled?

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I get to choose this year...I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO....HELP




  1. PRIVATE> if you're able to follow rules, regulations and scedules, studious and quite serious about your education and are OK with wearing a blazer n' tie (uniform)

    good education !

    social experience

    HOMESCHOOL> if you aren't that social, don't mind being by yourself with instructors for the most part of the day and like to be on your own schedule

    no  social experience

    it depends, but usually a good education

    PUBLIC> following a schedule, no uniform, less strict, lots of people, fun ;)

    good education !

    social experience !

    dont forget the decision is totally up to you

  2. It really depends on your reasons.  Here's some information that may help with your decision:

    Good luck!

  3. Public or private school....

    Private would be better....But public is better than home school, lol....


  4. It would depend on several things. Public school would be my last choice if I wanted to learn to think for myself. They have to make conformist out of students for crowd control. Private schools can be expensive, but depending on the school can have the same issues. I strongly lean towards homeschooling because we have been involved for more than 20 years. It gives you freedom to take advatage of outside school opportunities that would not be available to you if you were committed to a class schedule. If you are self motivated you can advance more quickly (at your own pace). You can be involved in your community activities for socialization.

  5. It's going to depend on a lot of things.  We can't tell you here.  You need to discuss all the options with your parents.  If you give us more details, perhaps we can help a bit.  But it's a very personal choice.

  6. i went to grammer school at a catholic private school and highschool at a private academy but i have been sick most my life so i had to get homeschooled because of medical reasons all of junior year. it was the worst experience of my life. i missed out on so much, and i am not the same as i used to be before i got homeschooled. i used to be everyone's friend at school and i used to get invited to everything and i was always extremly social and now after a year of homeschool i missed out on alot and am more anti social. DONT GET HOMESCHOOLED ! go to private school its a better education

  7. I don't know, it really is your choice.

    I would not choose to be home schooled, simply because, although I am not what you'd call a social butterfly, I would hate staying at my house everyday with no one to talk to or make jokes with.

    I go to a private catholic school, and although I've made some really good friends, I would not suggest it if you want to express yourself clothing wise... and my school in particular has some pretty boring classes, and people.

    It depends, though. Go on a visit day to a few schools if possible and see which ones you like the best.

  8. people who get home schooled do end up smart, but when you go to school you get the "school" experience.. and when you are around your friends at school you have lot of fun.

    Plus after will probably learn more at school.

    Private schools usually make you wear outfits that everyone wears and it makes you look like clones..

    ....then of course there is always public,dress-how-you-like(dress-co...

    THEN...Home schooling friends...quiet...sounds boring if you ask me..(no effence)

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