
Should I go to a "dirty" Subway that is really close or a "clean" Subway that is further away from me?

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I can't decide with these gas prices...




  1. Well I the place might be trashed but you can always see what they got graded as on there last inspection. They only check resteraunts once a year unless there is a complaint and they shut down then they have to fix it or hide it in order to get opened back up. So unless you complain that one is always going to be dirty!! SO complain. Not to subway to your states health department then go to the clean one!! Never ignore it, it will just get worse.

  2. Would the price of gas matter if you were in the hospital having your stomach pumped? Go to the cleaner one.

  3. Call the subway main office and tell them the place is dirty. When they clean it up, go there.

  4. what kind of a stupid questions is this? I would, for obvious reasons, go to the dirty one, it's fun to get e-coli or salmonella poisoning, I just love to spend the weekends with violent diarrhea!!

  5. go somnewhere else so just dont go to neither.go to some place clean and close!!:D

  6. Always go to the clean one.

    No amount of money is worth having food poisoning... Trust me!

  7. Since you are concerned about gas prices i guess go to the dirty one and you can maybe talk to the manager about the cleanliness

  8. Clean one w/o a doubt. I don't trust "dirty" ones - usually the food isn't as good as clean ones plus service levels aren't as good.

  9. go 2 dirty subway and demand that Tiny make ur sub, but don't ete 2 many ptz

  10. Clean doubt. I understand about gas prices but hey you could be putting out more money than that in hospital stay for fod poisoning.

  11. The clean one.

  12. I would not go to either one, they have to many teenagers working in there, last time I went in one was three years ago because when I went in to one they came out of the back room with their plastic gloves on (dont know what they did back there) wiped off the counter then asked me what kind of bread I would like with out changing them gloves, I said I changed my mind, I DONT THINK THEY CHANGE THOSE GLOVES AFTER EVERY PERSON and I dont like them cutting my sandwich with the same knife they used on the last person who got pickles and mayo on their sandwich I dont like either one.  I guess Im to picky,

  13. You should eat at home...if you're concerned about

    1) cleanliness

    2) gas prices

    3) economical food prices

    and 4) healthy, nutritious food.

  14. teh best subwayz 2 go 2 is r the ones in amusment parx.  they hvae the best club sammiches i evar orderd 4 of on the same day

  15. The clean one of course.=)

  16. the clean

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