
Should I go to college or become a professional tennis player?

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OK heres the thing, I love tennis and I really want to go professional and be number 1 in the world, but other people are telling me that I should go to college first and worry about the career later.... what should i do?




  1. Give yourself a year or two to focus solely on tennis and then after that you'll know if you have a career in tennis or not. Then you can go to college. College won't go away, but your tennis ability and youth will. Give it a shot while you can, most people don't have the guts to follow their dreams so good on you if you do. Good luck.

  2. school is important and if tennis doesn't work out you may need something to fall back on, if you love tennis you can always play in college or maybe the college will have a team and you can get to be professional later, hey if your good enough to go pro now think about how good youll be later

  3. Honestly, if you have the chance to become a professional tennis player, you should go for it. I know that education is important, I'm a current college student. But the chance to be a professional tennis player may only come once. It may be too late if you wait until after college. I say go for it! Good luck!

  4. If you love tennis and your really ready and passionate about starting a professional career go for it! I'm in college right now and playing on my school's tennis team and we compete against other schools and it's fun because I get to play my fav sport and still be able to live a regular life. The best thing to do is think about what your giving up and gaining if your go pro now or what you could gain if you went to college then went pro. But think long and hard and don't worry about what everyone else thinks, it only matters what you feel and think. good luck!

  5. If a tennis player is really your dream, you go for it no matter who or what tells you. Rather than following someone's advice and going to college and live like you will never achieve your dream, just go right face it and push yourself fullestt to becoming a tennis player.

  6. Stupid should Hurt and Kaitepae are both correct with what they said...Test the water first....

  7. With me being ranked 4th in the united states, i have a good chance at becoming a pro. but honestly how good are ? what is ur rank,how was high school, and how badly do u want to go to college. so take all of those ideas into consideration.

  8. How old are you and how good are you?

    If you live in TX, are 14 years old and competitive/winning in 18 superchamps, you have a shot at a career.  Otherwise, hit the books.

  9. The question is how good are you? Do you have any sponsorships that pay you a decent salary? If not, stay in school girl.

  10. if your not in superchamps playing over your age and winning you should be lucky enough to get a full ride to a get school , go some play smart if your that good , and make them pay for all your schooling

  11. The question is how good are you. If you want to play, college will be there for you when/if you want to come back to it. You could also study part time or you could find a good college team and get scholarships to play.

    Only you can decide what you want to do.

  12. if you have the chance to go pro, go for it!!! it only comes once.. and others may took chance from it if you disagree...

  13. Why dont you try going to college and play for their tennis team. From their you can go pro.

  14. do both. attend college while pursuing your tennis career all that time will allow. if you don't make it in tennis, you will need your degree to fall back on.

  15. Go to college and play tennis for the college team.  If you really are that good, you'll get a scholarship, and get the opportunity to play against other good players, while honing your skills.  It's a win/win.

  16. this is what I'll do i go to school and still have some time 4 tennis so if something happens you'll have something to fall back on

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