
Should I go to homecoming?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so my friend wants me to go but she has a date and well, I dont. I do in fact like someone but yeahhh, were like "Just friends". My friend will be like a tiny bit upset but its not fun when they have a date and you dontt n' yeahh. So should I go or not?




  1. only go if you think that you're going to have fun. you can go with a couple other friends as well, like in a group or something where you're not gonna be the third wheel. If that doesn't work, think about whether or not YOU'LL  be upset going knowing that it won't be much fun. Do not go if you do not think that you will have fun.

  2. Go anyway! You deserve to have fun. Also, are you sure you don't want to ask that guy to go with you? He might say yes. You never know. Also, you can always go with other friends too. Just remember to have a good time.

  3. yes. of course.. u never know what could happen... and if u dont go.. maybe in a couple of years u'll regret  it ..

    Live ur Life and go to homecoming!! :D

  4. so what if your just friends?? it can be fun to go on a date as "just friends!" comon please go you wont regret it

  5. definitely! there are going to be tons of other people there. don't base your night on one of your friends or the guy that you are just friends with.

  6. GOOO girl srsly it will be the time of ur life trust me doesnt matter if u have a date or not just go and have a dance and have fun with all ur friends and wen u are the as the one u like to have a dance with u and maybe he will like and and start to go out with u. if u dont go u will regret it  

  7. so what if you dont have a date! lol

    its more fun when you dont have one then you get to dance with other people.

    and personally i think that homecoming is the best dance or the year atleeast at my school..but if u think all ur friends will be at the dance and you wont : /

  8. well just go with you friend has "just friends"

    I believe its allot funner when you go with a friend other than with a date or ur gf/bf.  

  9. GO!!!! It's so much fun! Trust me, it doesn't matter if you don't have a date.


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