
Should I go to hospital?

by  |  earlier

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About 3 days ago I hit the back of my head off a windowsill because I thought my pillow was behind me. Instead I whacked my head off it really hard. After 5 minutes I felt a little shaky and a small headache had occured. It passed after an hour or so. I woke up the next day feeling really ill i.e. nausea and a bad headache. Since that point I've had a headache constantly and a pressure like feeling is at the back of my head where I hit it. I also can't sleep well...

Could it be something serious?

Help, I'm worried.




  1. If you are worried about wasting time (yours in the waiting room and the doctor's if there's nothing wrong) then why not phone NHS direct on 0845 46 47. They will be able to advise you

  2. I would, i had a simailar thing in rugby, i got knocked on the head with a boot at the final whistle, then felt reali ill, tired, sick just reali badd

    went to the hospital the next night, turned out i had a mild concusion

    go check it out. : )

  3. Hey Sweetie,

    Im not very good at medical stuff

    but i had almost the same thing happen to me

    except instead of hitting my head on a window sill

    i hit it on a wall. lol(:

    so anyway when it first happened i felt it worked better if

    i used a small ice pack. you should try that.

    And then if it still hurts like it does for you know i would

    deffinitly reccomend you talk to a parent or gardian so that

    they can take you to a docter so that they can look at you.

    Another thing they may do is see if you can balance and

    read an eye chart, because having trouble with these things

    my mean more then we think.

    But don't worry because unless you cracked your head open you shouldn't have any major problems.

    <3! Goodluck

  4. you should get it checked out, better safe than sorry!

  5. You shouldn't be too worried, just consult a doctor.

  6. You really should go to your doctor.

  7. sounds like mild concussion. the pressure is probably from the swelling from where you hit it, i doubt you have done any major damage

    but head injuries are always best checked!

  8. YOU NEED TO GO NOW! It might not be anything serious but it is better safe than sorry!

    Get feeling better!  

  9. if i was you i would go as you are obviously worried about it and at least you would know one way or another if you have done anything serious or not.its pointless worrying as worrying doesnt change the world and it wont change whether youve hurt your head or not.hope u r ok

  10. With any form of Head Trauma it should be checked out as soon as possible by the most appropriate Healthcare Worker !  

  11. Check it out or you could fall into a coma

  12. Stop complaining, I've got the following stuck in my ***, in the order they got up there: My bookcase, a plunger, a midget, a gerbil, a ferret, a switchblade, some rope, rubbing alcohol, another plunger, a toothpick, a cat, a half wheel of cheese, a camera, the fat guy from D12, a pencil, every episode of E.R. on DVD, a pizza, B-Real from Cypress Hill, 2 firemen, a squad car, 4 policemen, a board, a coffin, a trophy, a copy of Curtis by 50 Cent and a chair.

    And you think you've got it bad!

  13. I would go and get yourself checked out if i was you!! Better to be safe than sorry!

    Hope u feel better soon!

  14. It won't harm to nip along to A&E.My son fell and bumped his forehead as a toddler and we nipped him along to the hospital and they x-rayed him.You may have a swelling inside your head that is putting pressure on you, hence the headache.Go and get some medical attention, you can't ignore head injuries.

  15. Just get checked out by a doctor. They will help you. It could be serious, but then again it might not. So just go see your doctor. You'll be happy you did.

  16. If it was serious, you would've known the first night when you went to bed and woke up the next morning.

    Do you have any tingling in your limbs? (arms, legs)

    Is your eye sight blurry?

    Yes to either, go to the hospital

    No, to both, take some aspirn, for the headache

    The nausa is probably just from something you ate,

    Of course you''d have a headache, you bang your head on a hard surface. It should hurt for a day or two.  3-4 days though??? NO

  17. Yes, go to a Doctor. Head injuries can be serious.

  18. yea, maybe, just to get it checked of there is omething wrong they can help, if theres not then whats have you lost?

    i would do just in case

  19. You've probably got concussion, id get yourself checked out, just to be on the safe side!!

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