
Should I go to my Track practice each day it's offered?

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I'm a freshman girl and i've never done track before and I started it about 3 weeks ago. Well my track practice runs monday thru thursday. Usually I go to practice on monday or tuesday and end up being so sore that I have to go to practice on thursday and miss wednesday. So that means I only go to track 2 times a week and sometimes once a week because of other problems that come up. I'm not trying to slack off or anything but i'm afraid my coaches and my teammates might think of me that way. What can do??




  1. You can go to practice on Wednesday and tough it out. I tried out for track too, and it was hard at first, but then my muscles toughened. By missing practice you are just letting yourself trail behind everyone physically.

  2. From what you saying you miss practice because your sore .It is natural that your sore you best to tell your coach that your sore.Maybe your team has a trainer that will help you deal with the soreness. I suggest that you eat a lot of carbohydrates right after practice .This will help with the soreness .

  3. go every day...if you keep skipping practices, you'll just keep being sore for a while...but if you just push through the pain on the days ur sore, after about 2 weeks, maybe less, you wont be sore any more, and youll be a lot better runner for it

  4. If you go everyday, you will get better...faster

  5. I think you should go each day.

    Everyone gets sore from track. You just have to keep going or your muscles will never get used to it.  The more you practice, the less you'll be sore in the long run.   Everyone gets sore and they still have to go to practice and push themselves.  Skipping without a real excuse is just being easy on yourself.  Track is a tough sport.  You have to stay strong and fight the pain.  My coach always yells to "push through the pain" on the last lap of 1600m repeats.  And you just have to fight and believe you can, or you'll never get better

  6. Wow! When did going to practice become an option. When I ran track you were required to be at every practice or you wouldn't make the team. Once you made the team if you missed too many practices you would be cut. Are team members still required to be at practices on the football, basketball, soccer teams etc. etc.?

  7. Go to all the practices you can make. Even if you are sore, just go a little easier but keep working. Your body will get used to the hard training and will someday stop hurting much. If you have to miss practice, you need to stretch on your own time.

  8. i would start exersicsing and stretching more often and walk or run a mile a day, try muscle cream so ur muscles dont get so sore, try to go all week

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