
Should I go to public school for next year??

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Hi I'm in grade 8 and I haven't been to public school for 5 years and i'm really nervous. I have the choice to ither to go to public school for grade 9,or homeschool again? Should I homeschool for grade 9, or go to public school that is my question my mom needs to know soon because registration is starting and I really don't know what to do?(you learn alot more alot faster in homeschool, but then again if you go to public school you will meet alot more people and not have to deal with your parents as much.)




  1. stay home schooled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    join a home school group & take classes with them then u will get 2 c ur friends.

    in birmingham alabama they have a huge homeschool group that competes in competitions against the public schools. depending on where u live u can get in a small or a large 1.

    I'm homeschooled & i have a friend whose parents gave her the same choice. she chose public school & then regretted it soon after.

  2. Go Public!

    Think of how nerve racking t will be to go to college is you stayed Home Schooled?

    There are so many more opportunities in a public HS that you would be missing out on.

    Going to school will really prepare you for the real world and for college. It would be a HUGE mistake to stay home schooled in HS, trust me, I know.

    Don't worry about fitting in or meeting people because in high school there are so many different types of people that you will definitely find your group, just ge tinvolved from the beginning!

  3. I'm so sick of people saying that you won't be social if you go to public school,  I mean what if you're already shy and don't want friends, you'll still be anti-social even in public school. If you're worried about being "socialized" take it from me, I was homeschooled and now I'm in college and have friends, if that's a shocker to most people. Oh, and to help you out with your decision, most kids are smarter when homeschooled than public schoolers, because of a better education at home. Most college receive homeschoolers with open arms, because they know that homeschoolers are brighter.

  4. Homeschooled! SO much Better! If socilization is an issue Join a club do some sport join a youth group take a class volunteer join a co op! etc. SO many ways Homeschool wil be SSOO much BETTER!

  5. try public.. trust me, its specially high school. at least your parents can help with work if you are stuck, rather they always help u and u not really having much fun

  6. i think you should give public school another shot. it might work great for you, and you don't want to miss a great opportunity. hopefully you'll gain more friends and experience valuable, well, experiences. everyone should have at least a little taste of high school, whether it ends positively or negatively..

    go for it. (:

  7. well, the world has changed in five years. I was transfured OUT of public school because it got SOOOOOOOOOO bad. kids were beating me up, and trading drugs in the locker roooms, and this is just 6th grade last year! I couldn't believe it because, i got beat up, and i was one of the popular kids, who minded their own buisness and where did that get me! i got jumped by a 9th grader! trust me, people think that you learn some kind of life skills by being in public school, but the only thing that it is teaching you, is how to hide from bullies, and worry about how people think of you, and its usually people think bad of you. And since your going to be new there and especially in 8th grade, good luck.

    I wish you good luck on whatever disition you make.

  8. Ya definately go! I was homeschooled 2 years ago and I started going to public school and I love it...I have soo many friends now! But a word of advice get into a lot of sports...try out for cheer, softball, basketball,etc. because you make a lot of friends that are on your team. You should definately go 9th grade because if you want to go to public school in 10th grade then everyone would have already made friends in 9th I definately think you will love it!

  9. If you hadn't been offered the choice, would you have had any thought of going to school? If not, then don't go. If you would have, ask to visit the school or see if there's an open house so you can get a feel for it and if that's where you'd like to continue your education.

    You should actually be able to meet more people through homeschooling than through school, so if you want to meet more people, then do it--you don't need school for that, where you are pretty much with the same people all the time.

  10. i would really recommend going to public school. i think that being social and having people skills is all learned pretty much in school. i would think that if you aren't around people now then it will only be more uncomfortable to be around a lot of people later if you aren't adapted to it early on.

    plus, high school can be a lot of fun and you will meet people who might end up being your best friends for life.

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