
Should I go to school this year?

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I'm 12 and I've been home schooled my whole life although I have lots of friends because I go to dance lessons, youth group, etc. but lately I've been thinking about starting public school because most of my friends go and they love it and they are always talking about how they hate the school work but they love how to get to see their friends and they all have boyfriends from school and they say that it's really fun and sometimes I get upset when I hear them say stuff like that because it makes me want to go to school and my parents said it's my choice but I don't know though because like I said I've never been and I would be scared out of my mind and wouldn't really know much so what do you think would be the best thing to do? I can't decide if I wanna go or not because I would be nervous and really inexperienced but I get jealous and sad when I hear my friends talk about how fun it is so help please.




  1. Definitely go to school. You are missing out on so much. School is much more than an education in scholastic things.

  2. deffiantly go!

    omg i looove school!

    like i actually hate missing it, even if im sick ill go.

    but not for the schoolwork, ew lol

    i just love all my friends!

    like your around so many different people and so many different personallities, its so much fun!

    like no one can really describe what its like, you have to see for yourself.

    and yeah, it might be a little scary but trust me after the first month youll feel completely at home and wonder why you havnt been doing this the whole time

    trust me i know - i just transferred schools at the beginging of this year and it was the best desision i ever made. but omg i was terrified my first day. but after the first month people were actually forgetting that i just switched. like kids in my class would be like remember last year when... (insert funny story here lol) and id be like uhh noo..

    ahaha seriously go!

    youll have the time of your life!


  3. im gonna get home tutoring bcoz im preggers but well i generally go to a private school n thats fun:D

  4. as much as you get sick of the work and things school is actually quite fun...i liked it anyway!!!as long as youre not always getting into trouble..but i would definately go its definately good to socialise and be around other kids your age the only bad thing is things like smoking and drugs and bad influences tend to turn good kids into bad kids once they get to high school

  5. Go to school for sure. Its a very important part of your development and it wil prepare you for life later on when you go to study or work.

    I can imagine it's scary, but you'll see you'll have lots of fun. Maybe you can go to the same school as your friend and ask to be in their class. That way you'll have some support.

    Enjoy going to school. It's fun :)

  6. in middle school you would have large halls full of lots of kids with classes of 20 and a bunch of cliques in a lunch room during lunch time.

    in home school its most likely you with your computer and a parent during lunch time.

    so if you want the normal middle school experience then go to school or if you want the individual research of home school then stay home-schooled, you can always stay by your friend for a bit if youre too nervous about the halls or lockers, but its your choice and only you can make it.

  7. you should definitely go.

    yeah, school work sucks,

    but having all the friends,

    and going to dances and stuff is so much fun,

    so it like makes up for it.

    you should start now too,

    cuz you would like be going into 7th grade right ?

    and thats usually going into a new school.

    so youd be new like everyone and scared from going into a new school.

    i wouldnt wait any longer to decide to go into school.

    one of friends just started public school as a freshman,

    and he got made fun of a lot cuz of it,

    but if you start now,

    youll have a couple years to get adjusted to going to school.


    so yeah,

    most definitely start this year.

    youll love it.


  8. My dear Shayla...

    What a nice name you have ! I like it a lot !!! Well...honey..I can understand how "torn between the two choises" you must be... I have empathy with you, Shayla ! But...if I may give you a suggestion : Why don't you try attending school ? You can always reverse back to your home studies, if it does not "suit" you... You know, what I mean ? I would give it "a try" ! I am sure, you'll do great & will like the association with your peer-group ! So...tell your parents you would like to do a "trial-year" at school to gather new experiences, etc.- I am certain, you'll like the exposure to new friends, etc.- Wish you : good luck!!

    Wish you all the best for the future ! Greetings from Germany with all my love & care... Annette***

  9. yeah you should

    im not a fan myself but its a good experience to have and you will meet some cool people

    i suggest trying to hang out with some of the weirdest people there


    all the spazzes, the emos, the nerds, because once you get to know them than they are really awsome people

    atypical of typical people any day

  10. it depends how you feel. because if you have never been to public school and just go one year, it could be really overwhelming and very hard, and you dont know how things are or what they do. it might be really difficult. but then you can get to see your friends and hang out more.

    so if you think you can handle it, then yes you should go.

  11. I would definatley go to school! Hey, if you have made that many friends and you are home schooled, imagine all the friends you will make when you go to public school!

    Don't be nervous, school is supposed to be a place where you can make friends and have a blast!

  12. go to public school

    it might be tough at first, but you will be happy you did

  13. You're missing out on SO much! I'm leaving school in may next year and I don't want to.. school has good and bad qualities; the good qualities win over the bad ones

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