
Should I go to the casino tonight or stay home?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have the money to spare but I was hoping to win. Think I'll lose it all instead? Help me I'm in dilemma-state.




  1. I`m a bad one to be answering your question, I love to gamble though I can`t afford it either. I go to the casinos for the very wrong reason of hoping to win and end up spending what I can`t afford to lose. So I can only tell you, if you have the will power, DON`T GO. Less fun but much cheaper to stay on the computer and play the casino games for free.

  2. stay home. ..

  3. Ah, you have the answer to your question in your question.  Since you said you don't have any money to spare, it be wise to stay home and save the money you have for bills and such.    

    That's that boring answer, but probably the most prudent one.

  4. stay home. wait till you got more cash. so that way you'll have more money to lose. ha. just kiddin.. kinda. lol

  5. you can do a lot of thing at home.

  6. stay home and save lt for another time

  7. Well I work at a casino. We all hope you come in. Of course you will not win, you will go home feeling worse and you will be that much worse off than when you started. Sooo, how about staying home? Of course if you wish to donate to my paycheck, thank you in advance.

  8. Do what you want but if you do go to gamble make sure you just bring a certain amount of money so you don't blow it all. And don't play machines. They are for loosers. Play some cards. Hope it helps

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