
Should I go to the mall without money, or just do something else?

by Guest64303  |  earlier

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Okay me and my friend, are hanging out Saturday, but it's supposed to rain. She wants to go to the mall, but since I'm going school shopping Sunday, so my Dad won't give me money. Should I go anyway, or should we do something else? If we do something else it has to be free and indoors, and we want to do something fun




  1. Well they say the best things in life are free... but everything seems to cost money!

  2. i think you should still go.. bring your camera.. and well try on clothes you would NEVER buy or maybe even clothes you would buy. and take pics of them.. and well maybe even look at clothes that you might buy with your dad.

    also go to like a dress store and try on dresses.. its sooo much fun.. me and my friends do it all the time =D

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